D.N. Nation

…and that Radiohead hasn't ever made an album as good as Funeral.

Only if James Murphy becomes a member.

"Also, we get Picard taking that Romulan commander to town"
It's even better in "The Defector." Picard owns that ep.

Love this from "Ensigns"
Riker: You enjoyed that.
Picard: You're damned right.

Season 3
Stars kinda…slow, actually. Evolution's a decent little episode, but not a blistering opener. The Ensigns of Command has Picard owning the Sheliak going for it I suppose. Then you've got The Survivors, which is very TOS-y but still pretty good.

What a twist!

OK. Here goes.
As a clip show, Shades of Grey isn't the worst thing in the world. I've always thought the clips were spliced together pretty damn well.

Don't see how Grown Ups didn't bomb
I can see how the masses who forward anti-Obama e-mail chains would turn out big for racist/gay panic retrograde schlock like Norbit or Wild Old Dogs Hogs, but the previews of Grown Ups made it such a powerful leviathan of anti-effort that I just don't see the appeal. Of seeing it

If you're going to watch Voyager, I third watching "Equinox." One of the very few episodes of the show that…

Someone made this movie and was proud of it.
"…as when Panay dissects the meaning of a moment where Williams watches his son take a shit. Becker jokes, 'Robin and the kid were great, and then we just had to cheapen the whole thing with a couple of farts,' and Panay replies, 'But there's something real in here.'"

The deaths in Loud as a Whisper
Always bothered me, because when Picard first hears of the two factions' weapons capabilities, he's all "haha, whatever, they only have lasers, not phasers."

Screw the haters/trolls.
I'm pressed to find an hour of television I've enjoyed more this year than this ep.

Had Gambit happened in, say, Season 3, it'd been awesome. Heckuva story. As it was, it was your usual Season 7 beige.

An edit: Time's Arrow is the last place two-part season-ending cliffhanger.

Ahh, Time's Arrow. The last-place TNG 2-parter.

Don't forget the badass Riker/Picard auto-destruct sequence scene.

"Solid for Season One, if that's what you mean."

Fun experiment
Watch "Angel One," then watch the interrogation scenes in "Chain Of Command."

Solid little ep, if memory serves.

What is Ke$ha?
Entirely harmless.