D.N. Nation

"Enterprise, what we got back…didn't live long…"

Course: Oblivion was at least a nice little twist on the Voyager Reset Button.

Hey, remember this show's pilot?
That a whole slew of people thought was totally awesome? Went back and found my comment on the original thread:

Although the guy turning into the jack-in-the-box is iconic, I like that the original short story doesn't tell you what Anthony turns him into. Just that his dad begs him to wish "it" immediately into the cornfield, for mercy's sake.

"There were a couple of decent episodes in the 80s version. I really liked the one where the English language completely changes in the course of a day, leaving one dude behind to relearn the language from scratch. The one where the couple falls into the space between moments when the part of the world they will see

Bumping up the difficulty factor
Despite your warnings, you should do one of these for the 80s version of the show. C'mon. I double dare you.

Again, don't see the love for In Rainbows. Strawberry Jam was also released in 2007, and as far as semi-aimless noodling goes, it steals In Rainbows' milk money.

"The hot & bothered Dr. Crusher WAS worth a letter grade. Zach gave it a D-, when in fact it's the worst episode of any Trek since the original."

I'll be the one to say it:

Sad thing is…Thom Yorke's solo album is a better album in full than any Radiohead album in the 00s. His ProTools work seems to go to shit when surrounded by bandmates (In Rainbows in particular was sloppy as hell).

You're absolutely right.
I watched this and CSI back-to-back (Tuesday is my wife's night to own the TV). CSI…now *there's* a show that's willing to ladle out the bullshit thick, no questions asked. The episode was entirely derivative- of Hannibal, of Se7en, of a CSI storyline only a couple of seasons ago- but damn it

Sweet Jumpin' Jeebus
Best episode of anything I've watched in 2010, and easily the best episode of Fringe ever. Writers brought out all the stops, and I'm glad you noticed the Eric Stoltz BTTF.

"Was it ever explained why Dr. Pulaski turned up? Like, was Gates McFadden pregnant or something? Wikipedia doesn't say."

"And the episode 'Night Terrors.'"

Solid late-season ep
The thing that had me laughing the most, randomly, was the throwaway line the first time we see the Kardashians:

Yeah, Scorpion owned.

Know how you keep from running out of ways to defeat an unstoppable enemy? Don't bring them back so many damn times.

First Contact
"I know many people love First Contact, and it has its moments, but the Next Generation cast, apart from Patrick Stewart and Brent Spiner, just suck on toast on the big screen."

Ahh, Gorillaz and its backstories.

Wait, wait, wait…
Wasn't the Gorillaz concept that the band would age naturally? So why is the girl, who was a teenager on the last album, back to being little again?