D.N. Nation

Generations is all over the place- has a lot to recommend, has a lot to facepalm over.

Season 3
Honestly, I don't get all the hate. If you really look at it, Season 3 of Star Trek is easily the show's best season.

"though it seems unlikely that Warner Bros. will bankroll a movie in which a two-dimensional tank blasts away at an implacable zombie-like horde of descending aliens for 90 minutes."

You used that setup, and the payoff wasn't "OF COCK"?

Yes. The woman-to-pig transformation was one of those gives-me-nightmares-even-though-it-shouldn't things I had as a kid.

I forget
Is it now old to complain about people complaining about people complaining about people complaining about MTV not showing music videos anymore? I've lost track.

"Q Who?"

"we'll hit Star Trek V"

The only good thing about "The Royale" is that "Time Squared" comes next. That ep owns.

Season 1 of TNG

Have you seen this? Heard about this?
Monica Lewinsky.

It's interesting…we usually have someone on these commenting on the non-Bostonness of Fringe's "Boston," but it's never bugged me.

My main gripe with Fringe is that it's gotten way, way too comfortable noodling around with procedural stand-alones this season. I can understand not bonking everyone over the head every week with long-running arcs, but there hasn't been that much essential going on recently. The momentum Fringe had toward the end of

Yeah, crappy ep.
I didn't realize they had shelved this one for a while; when Charlie walked into the room I was enraged about the writers taking a dump on continuity. Then I was intrigued because I thought this was a straightforward ep…from Earth-2.

Give TOS credit.
The ep titles were badass.

Scott- Different experience entirely from mine. We just had sliced French bread. Which was fine, but I wasn't paying for fine.

Ate there while on honeymoon a few years back. Four thoughts:


Ricky Jay lasted longer than most henchmen in the Bond film he was in, so there's that.

Plus, as we discussed last week…