So, like, that's it?
Aren't we kind of spinning our wheels at this point, seeing how we know who caused the blackout? I mean, what's the point from here on out- weekly police procedurals? That we could get…everywhere else?
So, like, that's it?
Aren't we kind of spinning our wheels at this point, seeing how we know who caused the blackout? I mean, what's the point from here on out- weekly police procedurals? That we could get…everywhere else?
Mission to Mars
Ah, no. That movie sucks.
Okay, good.
I almost thoroughly enjoyed this episode, and thus thought I had lost my marbles. A B is spot on. Glad someone else sees that this show has risen above the suck a little bit lately.
Oh shit, that freaking ribbon-around-the-neck story. I had this little horror anthology when I was 10 that had that story in it. The rest of the stuff was hokey enough, but that freaking head-falling-off scene terrified/disgusted/everything the hell out of me. I was so warped by it that I had my folks physically take…
Does Mega Man defeat Dr. Wily in this, or what?
I used to have a guy working under me who, without fail, would show up to the office with a six-sizes-too-big stained polo and Old Man Jeans (huge waste/ass, tapered down to skin-tight at the ankles). I'm an awful person for letting it annoy the hell out of me, but it did.
Stefan was "punished" because he completely dogged it in the semis/finale, and because Hosea's food was better in NOLA. Stefan, in a cooking competition in New Orleans, Louisiana, chose *not to make his own sausage*. I mean, wha?
Loved it. Hope it becomes a mainstay.
Damn good episode
Yeah, the order of eliminated chefs has gotten to be a bit predictable, aside from Robin hanging on, but this episode was stuffed with great moments: the quickfire (do this again, please), the Voltaggio brothers sniping, Mike's "relax, relax, relax, relax, relax, reeeeeelax," Toby Young actually not…
I'm both whipped and domineering. I'm awesome.
I feel I will have this conversation with my wife every week with this show
Me: Dammit, this show goes nowhere.
Wife: Yeah, but there was that twist at the end!
Me: 50 minutes of nothing, 10 minutes of twisty goodness. Whatever.
Wife: Shut up. I like this show.
Me: I'm deleting it from TiVO.
Wife: Don't.
Me: Fine. One more…
"Americans don't normally really understand what this trade was like"
Know what turned out to be a great album?
This one.
"Is CSI really something you have to catch?"
Huh. Guess I'm in the minority.
Wasn't great or even all that good, but I enjoyed ep2 a lot more than I did ep1. They still have no friggin idea how to deal with the enormity of the event, though…and I won't argue against dropping the domestic BS.
Eh, dammit. Blame me.
Wife wanted to watch CSI instead of Fringe. Though…I've missed some really good ones the day of in the past (Bad Dreams, for starters).
So everyone blacks out for the same period of time, and (most) everyone sees a vision of the future. This is, I should note, probably the most amazing thing to happen to the world, like, ever.
Good news, everyone!
Toby Young is back on Top Chef tonight.
"as he drives into the desert in search of a shaman and ends up angrily berating a scorpion"