D.N. Nation

Len Bias died of a drug overdose before he played a game with the Celtics.

Ahh, this old gem.
Was remembering this Inventory the other day and decided to take a trip in the wayback machine. I always loved how we had about a hundred people who nominated Michael Bay..because certainly Bay qualifies as a "director we didn't know we hated."

One thing "Enterprise" did well
"In a Mirror, Darkly."

A well-done clip show, at least.

It's not, unfortunately. Reaper fans have really fallen off around here lately.

My theory
The alternate universe Olivia was in is the one stemming from the alternate 1985 in Back To The Future II. So eventually we'll get this dialogue in the season finale:

Jenny Wade
More please.

I'd rather bitch.

Enraged enough to say DVD in lieu of DVR.

This needs to be said again:

Main problem I had with FG last night…
This is yet ANOTHER Connie DeMico storyline. For those keeping track, Connie has now been the girlfriend of Chris, Stewie, AND Peter in three different episodes.

Star Trek's "The City On The Edge Of Forever"…
versus South Park's "City On The Edge Of Forever." Discuss.

No one will read this, but.
It's hard to think of a band that has underachieved as much as Radiohead. For all that talent, for all the buzz, that they've made only 1.5 brilliant records is pretty sad.

Cardassians- That *one* Cardassian was awesome in "Chain of Command," but he was only one guy. The rest of them got owned by that two-bit jerk who served in Picard's place. Cardassians were always getting slapped around by the Federation until joining with the Dominion, so they fall under that.

Trek enemies
1) Borg pre-Queen
2) Dominion
3) Klingons
4) Romulans
5) Borg post-Queen

I thought it was a solid A, and the best of the season thus far. I'm biased toward Randy-centric episodes, I guess.

W-wow. W-what a great awwdienttce.

Liked it, but couldn't help thinking
…that it would have been funnier in 2007. They'd have to change the song for the end, of course.

Conan from SP:BLU was voiced by Brent Spiner, for whatever reason.

"Read Pitchfork's review for Fever to Tell before you type stupid shit like this. "