D.N. Nation

AV Club vs. Pitchfork, w/r/t Yeah Yeah Yeahs
"Fever To Tell"
Pitchfork: Over-rated! (clap clap clap clap clap) Over-rated! (clap clap clap clap clap)
AV Club: Hey, for a band that gets by on freaky BS, this "Maps" thing is something else. Me likey.
"Show Your Bones"

Ahem. Continuity error! Continuity error!
Kenny had a girlfriend in Season 3. And although anything Kenny-centric is, by design, an affront to continuity, that particular storyline *did* last more than one episode.

The Day Chris Cornell tried to live
He wallowed in the blood and mud with all the other pigs.

And he's about to find out…

2007 was a wee better than total shit, I'd say
Deerhoof- Friend Opportunity
LCD Soundsystem- Sound of Silver
The Field- From Here We Go Sublime
Of Montreal- Hissing Fauna, Are You the Destroyer?
Arcade Fire (oh nooooooo! red alert! whoop whoop!)- Neon Bible
Spoon- Ga^5
Radiohead- In Rainbows
Animal Collective- Strawberry Jam

Just thought I'd remind everyone
That Stefan lost Top Chef.

What really can I say? I was completely right. Steffy's unwarranted arrogance was the end of him.


What's up, Stef-fans?
What's going on? I missed last night's episode. I'm sure that Stefan, clearly the best chef in the history of Top Chef, coasted to victory against Hosea, who we all know is a terrible chef and a terrible human. Yep, that's exactly what probably happened. Doop de doo, Stefan's soooo great, doop de

This is the first I've heard of this.

The blond guy was in Not Another Teen Movie
Nice to see his career really take off.

Heck, I can easily see Carla taking it at this point. Hosea and Steffy focus on the fight and not the food; meanwhile, Carla whips up something obviously soulful and surprisingly technical. Emeril will love it, Tom will be all like "what the hell, I'm sick of this season," and boom.

And also- STEFAN DIDN'T MAKE HIS OWN SAUSAGE! We raked Jill (remember her?) through the COALS for this in Episode 2, and it gets nary a mention now. And it's the finals! Hilarious.

Hosea slapped Stefan around last night. I love how the comments here refuse to accept this. Homina homina Hosea was a whiner homina homina Stefan's really better than this homina homina.

Toby Young
New Orleans? More like NO Orleans for you! Ha! See what I did there?

Um, can we discuss how much a hack Stefan STILL is?
Dude's German, in the finals, and *didn't make his own sausage*? Huh? It's Top Chef, not Top Smoke Break.

Face it, Stefan fans
Dude's medi-freakin-ocre. That fish looked like a disaster. Boring comfort food is the only go-to for Meatloaf Man, and when he can't even get that right…

Jumping in on the Thermals love
I can see she's afraid
That's why we're ESCAPING!!!!!

Man oh man
Do I ever hate Sideways.

Solitary corn dog
That was Klaus' breakfast. Stan enjoyed the solitary BBQ Lean Pocket.