
Barsanti stares in the mirror with a photo of Sean Oneal taped to it.

I had to sit through a college improv practice session once.

Huh, I thought that was Threevel, Guess it was just my…being mistaken.

"Jaleel? There is no Jaleel. Only Steve.
It's always been Steve."

The Urkel sketch is an example of one aspect for Key and Peele that stood out, their sketches often featured pretty good makeup work. On some other sketch shows, someone dressed up to look like Reginald VelJohnson would probably just have a terrible bald wig that would be all crinkled at the edges and a generic fake

Listen, there was like HIV and drugs and and footage of junkies on the streets of New York City, so it is a very serious film. Definitely not a film made by a creep.

Small detail I liked, the way Mr. Peanutbutter pronounced Zachary Quinto's name. "Queento"

"Betty has gone too far. Killing is wrong. And bad. There should be a new, stronger word for killing. Like… badwrong. Or… badong. Yes. Killing is badong. From this moment, I will stand for the opposite of killing: Gnodab."

Well they made up for it with villains like…um.
Seriously, it's one thing to have Wonder Woman go up against sinister scientists and so on, quite another to have her go up against crooked developers and robbery crews like something out of a standard crime drama.

Justice Smith sounds like the name of the protagonist of a series of 1980s era action-adventure Western paperbacks, the sort of series which was numbered.

Just saying, was watching that episode with a friend and that friend's girlfriend and she really started tearing up at that ending. Well, not tearing up so much as blubbering uncontrollably, in what seemed like an excessive reaction. THAT POOR DOG AH-HUHHHH-BLUH-BOOOOOOOO-HOOOOOOOOOO,

Bad college improv comedy? Is such a thing…possible.?

What further contrived attempts at ironic low rent so bad it's awful shows will we see from SyFy?

Newswire: Amy Schumer to have recurring role on Arrow, ensuring many many Newswire updates for a long time.

I think she has an excellent sense of timing, shame that I find most of her material, except for a sketch here and there, to be crass and obnoxious. She's still superior to comics in the vein of Whitney Cummings, though.

I came across an issue awhile back, oh boy. It opens with some college getting jumped in the park by a generic edgy 90s comic book gang, one of the guys tries a serious version of the old "do what you want with the girl but leave me alone" routine and gets a bullet in the forehead for his trouble. Then Shadowhawk

One of the aspects of the show and the comic that got to me was how most people seemed to ignore or disregard the weirdness that went around with the Maxx. Like the owner of the car that Mr. Gone and The Maxx fall on during their fight at a gas station, he seems, for the most part, mildly amused by the whole incident.

Oh, I bet you wouldn't say that about Shadowhawk, would ya?
I mean that was some edgy stuff, yo.

It was the time of the Extreme Comics arms race between the various publishers, Image and the various Johnny Come Lately publishers and DC/Marvel, that almost destroyed the killed the comics business by filling the shelves with derivative and unreadable trash while banking too heavily on the long-term viability of a