
Great, great opening gambit. Wow.
"The two books Donald Trump’s The Art Of The Deal remind me of most are Bret Easton Ellis’ American Psycho and O.J. Simpson’s If I Did It."

There's an amazing easter egg in Gears 3 where you can chain head shots together. Marcus counts them off as the heads explode. When you get to five in a row, it's pretty funny what he comes out with.

Ozu is the right comparison. She has similar intentions and themes; family heartache, loneliness, disillusionment.
the film is super naturalistic - the performances are all 'observed' and the camera is invisible. The scenes also average about 15 minutes - they're more like entire situations in which you see every

That peter gabriel song is incredible. I rediscovered that album recently after 20 years, and I was surprised by how nakedly emotional it is. I think it's his best work - and that track is the standout on the record.

Yep, his soloing on that song is phenomenal.

It's a good film - the original title in German is better though - it's called "Oh Boy" over here.

Have to report that as an Il Divo admirer, La grande bellezza was embarrassingly bad. I'm bemused that so many critics think it's wonderful.
Fellini was his own subject and his style was made to measure over a lifetime - Sorrentino wearing a Fellini suit seemed a huge pose. Poor old Tony Servillo, raising his eyebrows

This reviewer is the pits. Not only middle of the road taste, but he can't write interestingly or illuminatingly about what he doesn't like either.
Who went to Cannes last year? This guy, or what?
Where's Nathan Rabin when you need him!

I was at the premiere - Only God Forgives was ten kinds of incredible.
The press screening was bad. It was 8 in the morning and everyone wanted Drive 2. They certainly did not get it.

You're right, there were a lot of people hugging emotionally in this trailer. Not what was expected.

It's worth getting at full price. It's a quality game all round.

Saw the film recently, adored it, then the whole facade came crashing down once his scene showed up. He's truly horrible in it. How could Jools stand there and be cowed by that guy? It's such a turd of a scene to have to get through.


Absolutely, it's bad. Excise forthwith.

Incredible! Someone might not like something that someone else liked!

Hey oh.boy, he didn't like the game. Get over yourself.

You're stunned that people might like music that you don't like? What gives?

I blame the awful trailer. People think they're paying for potatoes, they get in, realize too late they've been sold figs. Classic Hollywood bait-and-switch. Where in the marketing materials is the reference to a poetic gonzo genre mash-up with ultra violence?

Don't be surprised.

When was the last time charming Leonardo cracked a smile in a movie? 2001?