It's all forehead acting, all the time.
It's all forehead acting, all the time.
Shut the fuck up, you fucking monkey.
Wait til you see Albert in Drive. He plays the bad guy opposite Ryan Gosling. He's awesome in it - funny, nasty, and terrifying.
The suits voice is just a robotic dude - doesn't seem like Wakamoto.
Sadly, it's pretty crap
So hyped for this game after a so-so Killzone 3 and silly BLOPS.
Video games can do WHAT?
The bizarre unchecked vanity that emanates in ever larger amounts from the podiums of video game designers is a worrying phenomenon.
Are the AV Club's game reviewers being slipped hallucinogens before they start playing? C+ is way too generous for this half-baked turd. It's rubbish in every single way it's possible for a game to be rubbish. First game I've ever thrown into the bin - not even worth my time trying to sell it on ebay.
Flower was just fine, but whosoever shall dare call it Art can go whiz on the electric fence. Video games are, by design and purpose, psychological experiments. Just because that particular experiment featured petals and a melancholy soundtrack? Does anyone remember what Bill Hicks would've said?
David Foster Wallace
Don't know if's in this collection or not, but anyone interested in Lynch should read the profile DFW wrote of him, which is reprinted in his essay collection A Supposedly Fun Thing. One of the best things he wrote, and the most perceptive on Lynch that I've read.
Saw Valhalla Rising at Venice, where it premiered. It's brilliant. Very, very strange film.
It's great that Dave Mustaine is still recording good music under his old monicker. It tickles my cockles. Rewatching Decline of Western Civilisation pt II recently, he reminded me why I love metal in the first place. Anyone else think that 'Peace Sells…' still knocks everything else from that time into a…
Believe me, it gets MUCH more fun once you start building up your army with rarepons. You will destroy all in your path. Both games are indeed brilliant if you can get over the initial difficulty spike.
Hollywood gossip has it that Harrison Ford is a major stoner - high 24 hours a day. That would explain many, many things.
Scott says the film lacks a magnetic central figure - but it doesn't lack one, it rejects one. Without exception (tell me if I'm wrong) gangster stories have somewhere at their centre a charismatic hero, who remains attractive regardless of their personal morality - which is pretty much essential in order to…