Mantis Cube

I'm not kidding I literally have no idea because all of it is sad.

I took advantage of Hulu streaming Kurosawa films and watched Ikiru, which was beautifully heartbreaking.  I wrote a term paper in my asian art history class on Kurosawa but I'd only seen Rashoman, Seven Samurai, Ran, and The Hidden Fortress.  I wish I'd had time to watch Yojimbo too- I've seen the first 20 minutes,

I'll second Jason Segel and his nerdy drumset.  In real life, I would go running for the hills the second anyone started serenading me, but as a show I can just skip that part with a few "LA LA LA I'M NOT LISTENING"s and still enjoy him.

Am I the only one who read it in high school?
Kids hated it.  HATED it.  I didn't love it at the time, but out of the required reading I did in high school, it might be the book I've thought most after the fact, and I actually liked required reading.

The Winds of Winter- 'Dedicated to sarCCastro'
"I was procrastinating and giving a lot of interviews when I went on the AV Club and read sarCCastros words of wisdom, and I realized Yes, I could be managing my time better, of course!  I owe him a great debt."

It must be horrible to have people asking you to hurry up and finish something "before you die" when you've got a bit of time to go.

So confused about how to feel that I'm peeing with my eyes.  My friends tell me this is called "crying."

Youth is wasted on the antisocial.

This made me really want to run home and read this second.

I've always had a lot of affection for Repo! but it makes no pretense towards being good or artistic.  It's for the Hot Topic crowd.  If you don't care about listening to Anthony Stewart Head sing you're not the target market.  Which you should.  Everyone should.

Archer, Season 3.  Is there anything to be said that everyone here hasn't said a hundred times?
Continuing to read Margret Atwood's The Blind Assassin.  I'm not far enough to give any deep opinions or analysis yet, but I love the meta book-within-a-book conceit.

PERFUME WILL HOPEFULLY DO THE TRICK.  Also I'm banking on the few "your natural smell is very mild" compliments I've gotten to be true.

Finishing up Bossypants, which was just as fun as everyone said it was.


I really like my "I need to do laundry the only thing that I have clean is dress clothes" outfit today.  I think my black dress, bright purple tights and green jacket are properly distracting from the fact that my underwear is dirty.

I would give you a grant to study this, but I don't have any money.  Will you accept a few bottom-of-my-purse aspirin and a bent paperclip?

It's cool that she's so understanding!  Some of that stuff can take its toll on a relationship after a while though, so be careful.

I was thinking about that too.  "But Elliott's voice is kind of adorable!  He's so eager!"  And then I realized I'd never actually voiced this at Podmass and it made me sad.

An Elliott song is the #1 thing on the show guaranteed to make me crack.

@avclub-60c1cedfd4af78670239984473424814:disqus But can you think of anyone else's death that could possibly motivate her that much and bring the same level of tragedy?  For instance, if it was Wallace or Mac it would be sad, but they were never her security blanket.  Logan was let it but was never fully trusted, and