Mantis Cube

@avclub-e5e75678d9346d88878b7c95b97eac68:disqus You can do that in your head all you want.

I think preteen Logan is a little young to be that jaded.  He probably likes South Park and skateboarding or surfing or something with his friends so he doesn't have to stay at home with his dad, and I imagine him carrying a Gameboy everywhere and snarking any time his parents ask him a question.

Haha, it's fine, thank you for the compliments!  I can't animate but I would sure as hell learn how to if I could work on an animated Veronica Mars.  Or I could storyboard or something.

@Scrawler2:disqus That's a little too generous, haha.  I just feel like the stakes need to be high to motivate her and give the series the kind of charge it had in season one, and the only person who felt valuable enough to drive that would be Keith.  That level of devastation for the fan is upsetting, but I think it

His shirt is partially obscured but that's supposed to be a Pokeball.

Oh, I wrote a really long… well, it wasn't fanfic, it was just a synopsis, for this once.  Veronica has a career in the FBI but is fired.  She comes back home to visit her father to immediately discover he's just been murdered.  Now she's staying in her home town to investigate the murder and runs into everyone from

I always wanted an animated Veronica Mars Jr. where she was a spunky little detective but the mysteries were still kind of gritty and we could see everyone as a kid.  Mainly I wanted to see kid Logan be a little brat.


Everyone's using this space to complain about the comment section and I just want to talk about how pretty Lee Pace is.

That sounds kind of fun.  I don't watch a lot of anime but I would totally buy a box of random dvds for some MST3K fun with my friends.

I think the male characters are really well written.  At the very least, their personality types are less simplistic than a man probably would have slapped into the show.  They're not bland and they're not obvious go-to caricatures of their gender.

That's the trouble with comics, though.  I feel like I've been reading comics for so long, but I always just read what my dad handed me, so I've read such a small, weird lense of superhero comics that I always feel behind.  I haven't read Dark Mirror or Year One, actually.

Hm, that's interesting.  I can see where creative thinking would help, but it was nothing I would associate with law initially.  That's really neat though, you should totally post pictures of your costume.

I still think I have great taste in movies!  I just don't own any of the dvds to prove it.  OBVIOUSLY, THAT IS WHAT MY FAVORITE MOVIE LIST ON FACEBOOK IS FOR.

@avclub-39df51c015ce671b473b8cf5a306d217:disqus Oh, I'm glad you're flattered because at the same time I'm essentially complimenting myself too.

Will you accept a gift certificate redeemable only for Die Hard dvd, bluray and merchandise?

I'm maybe a little ashamed of my love of Repo.  Maybe if I had a large dvd collection it wouldn't be embarrassing to own, but I have a pretty small collection.  It makes it hard to feel pretentious about your taste in movies.

Do you have to take this class, or are you taking it because you want to?  It seems very strange and intriguing and maybe fun?

I generally work under the assumption everyone here has good taste (or close to it), but you happen to have the same taste in almost everything as me based on your bio and your cool icon (KC Green?) I just… you needed to know.  It was important.