Mantis Cube

IS THIS A QUESTION THAT ACTUALLY NEEDS ASKING?  shit, maybe I should have watched it…

They just don't make 'em like they used to.

I'm disappointed.  I was hoping he was someone really prestigious.  It would be like catching Dame Judy Dench reading the Big Butt Book.

That logo is so… tastefully bland.  Mister Ice, I really expected tackier from you.  I'm disappointed.

Oh.  I did not realize who Brett Ratner was until now when I finally googled him.

Thank you!  I do not, I sold about 80% of them.  I considered it, but… I tend to overextend myself with projects, it is one of 100 things on my to-do list.

All of these will be given due consideration, and chosen the way my ancestors chose- spinning around in a circle until you're really dizzy and one of these makes you giggle a lot.

Yes, that makes sense.  That makes a lot of sense.

I love how those taste, but I also used to eat sand as a child so I'm not the best judge of these things.

But what if my excellent choice in children's names is the very thing that's going to make this last?  Our little unborn Wolverine "Karate-Chop" and Ampersand "Danger" need to be fully realized in thread.  They will, of course, have my dazzling mantis features.

that was not the kind of thing that I fucked things up with before.  Those are safe and pleasant and delightful.

~I'm the lady half~

"Hm, having David Byrne's song 'Like Humans Do' was a weird choice as the music on this video and… wait, the video is over.  Oh, wait, that was me."

Sometimes I sew stuffed animals.  I am not so good at the "sewing" part as I am at the "picking good colors and then painting nice faces on" part.

Valentines Thread?
What is the Valentines etiquette on getting something for someone if you're in that awkward in-between spot?  I don't really want to get into what the situation is because it's long and complicated but we mutually like each other.  My issue is that I'm a really gifty person and not getting him

OH GOOD, I didn't want to have to ask for the fake bio and then wait around for you to see the request and then post it.  Also, it is awesome.

Can you really reject something that hasn't been given?

I love having fun while I learn!

Awesome, I'll have to check that out!

I just started watching them frequently about a year ago, although I'd seen one or two before that during my Hitchcock kick.
I have seen Gilda though!  Rita Hayworth is an obsession of mine.  It's thin on plot, but damn, if she isn't luminous.