Mantis Cube

Thanks, I've missed all of you too.

NOT NEARLY THAT MANY, WOW.  Probably 20 or so?

I made it a month.  I don't deserve all of these "greatest intern of all time" awards I'll surely be receiving.

But assholes with superpowers get all the ladies!

You should most definitely make yourself hard to get ahold of.  If you could build some kind of fortress of solitude in the arctic to retreat into and throw your cell phone in the ocean, she will think "wow, this guy is mysterious, I'm really into not being able to reach anyone."

I do try to exist as much as I can!  I am trying to view my situation as a noble quest except instead of landing in Oz I've landed in Cleveland.

Thanks!  I mean, it's not great, but occasionally I can convince them to watch something good.  I did get my aunt and uncle to watch "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" …before my uncle watched "Soul Plane."

People normally like to name-drop noir to brag that they like noir.  Like me!  I like film noir!  Where's my trophy?

Kate Bush has an amazing song inspired by The Innocents, and to my delight someone made a matching video.

Never stop dreaming.

Robert Mitchum has the best face to the extent that I don't remember the plot of Out of the Past.

I feel like calling all tissues "Kleenex" is a more prevalent example than calling all diapers "Pampers."  Not that it matters.

Hey everyone.
Haven't posted in a while, I know.  If I'm honest, it's because I'm still a bit scared to browse the internet on my work computer.  My internship at Little Tikes is going well.  I mostly make decals, which I like.
I have no control over the remote since I live with my aunt and uncle at the moment.  Their

I think it should have been a full body photo of him in khakis leaning on the title with a snarky grin.

I think it should have been a full body photo of him in khakis leaning on the title with a snarky grin.

No need to go blaming women.  Men like women that are assholes like me all the time!

No need to go blaming women.  Men like women that are assholes like me all the time!

And they want us to watch.

And they want us to watch.

Sam answered a question I always had about Jingle Bell rock with a simple grope- 
What are bushels of fun?  Turns out they're butts.