Mantis Cube

If that plucky little Mennonite group doesn't win sectionals I'm going to be sad.  They just had so much heart!  I thought they were going to play the group for laughs as a two-second cutaway, but they just kept going and showing the whole audience grooving out to them.  I want a Queen Bee Mennonite girl to bitch the

How can they just give us a glimpse of what the show would look like with 400% more drag queens only to snatch it away again?

How can they just give us a glimpse of what the show would look like with 400% more drag queens only to snatch it away again?

Reading Dave Barry's column was just about my only salvation during the boring weekly visit to my great-grandpa's house.  When I first discovered it I wanted to read all the good jokes aloud to everyone, but when no one found it quite as funny as I did, I kept it to myself like a funny little secret.
Thank you, Dave

Reading Dave Barry's column was just about my only salvation during the boring weekly visit to my great-grandpa's house.  When I first discovered it I wanted to read all the good jokes aloud to everyone, but when no one found it quite as funny as I did, I kept it to myself like a funny little secret.
Thank you, Dave

You deserve to make your candle in peace.

You deserve to make your candle in peace.

I think my prize is the award for making you feel old.

I think my prize is the award for making you feel old.

There's not much about my childhood I've got to brag about, but I had awesome taste in movies.  JUST LET ME HAVE THIS ONE.

There's not much about my childhood I've got to brag about, but I had awesome taste in movies.  JUST LET ME HAVE THIS ONE.

My brother and I are just not like that.  I made the ugliest damn candle the other day and my brother just kind of nodded like "yeah, that's an ugly candle, but mine is uglier" and walked away.

My brother and I are just not like that.  I made the ugliest damn candle the other day and my brother just kind of nodded like "yeah, that's an ugly candle, but mine is uglier" and walked away.

My favorite movie when I was 12 was Spirited Away.  The Blues Brothers was a close second.  Where's my prize?

My favorite movie when I was 12 was Spirited Away.  The Blues Brothers was a close second.  Where's my prize?

I read through one of them in the comic store without paying.  It was excellent although I am terrible.  They get some really good artists.  The interiors are a series of short stories all drawn in different styles, some not too far from the comic and some in a really charming departure.  Also, I feel like I have to

I read through one of them in the comic store without paying.  It was excellent although I am terrible.  They get some really good artists.  The interiors are a series of short stories all drawn in different styles, some not too far from the comic and some in a really charming departure.  Also, I feel like I have to

@Gjetostbuster:disqus It was educational and had spots on him to learn to tie your shoes, use velcro, had snaps, ect.  This was probably '93, so nothing fancy.
I was apparently very disappointed he wasn't real.

@Gjetostbuster:disqus It was educational and had spots on him to learn to tie your shoes, use velcro, had snaps, ect.  This was probably '93, so nothing fancy.
I was apparently very disappointed he wasn't real.

Why would he care who you hook up with?  That sounds like none of his damn beeswax.