Mantis Cube

Why would he care who you hook up with?  That sounds like none of his damn beeswax.

The bar is a good place to do a lot of things!  It's a good place to sketch, but a terrible place to paint.  (Too dark.)   I found that out the hard way.

The bar is a good place to do a lot of things!  It's a good place to sketch, but a terrible place to paint.  (Too dark.)   I found that out the hard way.

That's so cute.  My cold little icicle heart is melting from the cuteness.
…A robot was the first thing I ever wanted for Christmas too.

That's so cute.  My cold little icicle heart is melting from the cuteness.
…A robot was the first thing I ever wanted for Christmas too.

I'm jealous, I've always wanted to read more Zot!  Dekko is a brilliant concept for a villain.  Since I haven't read the rest I don't know if the other villains are as memorable, but every once in a while I remember Dekko and think "damn it, why didn't I think of that?" (even though I couldn't possibly have thought of

I'm jealous, I've always wanted to read more Zot!  Dekko is a brilliant concept for a villain.  Since I haven't read the rest I don't know if the other villains are as memorable, but every once in a while I remember Dekko and think "damn it, why didn't I think of that?" (even though I couldn't possibly have thought of

I watched Shrek 4 on Thanksgiving and Shrek 3 on Sunday.
Has anyone else realized how often you see Shrek's nipples?  You see them a lot.

I watched Shrek 4 on Thanksgiving and Shrek 3 on Sunday.
Has anyone else realized how often you see Shrek's nipples?  You see them a lot.

I noticed and have already tweeted at you.

I noticed and have already tweeted at you.

This is beautiful. Good for you.  I hope you have a really lovely Thanksgiving.

This is beautiful. Good for you.  I hope you have a really lovely Thanksgiving.

I don't understand why it's happening but it's fantastic.

I don't understand why it's happening but it's fantastic.

I think this show is a little more bearable to watch with someone else.  Alone, there is nothing stopping me from walking away with my head in my hands saying "NO NO NO NO NO NO NO"

I think this show is a little more bearable to watch with someone else.  Alone, there is nothing stopping me from walking away with my head in my hands saying "NO NO NO NO NO NO NO"

Afternoon doesn't sound so awful.  I'm worried about parking and traffic mostly.  I considered biking into work, but biking around 1:30 am and 10:30 am on Black Friday sounds like I'm just asking to get hit by a car.
I mean, I'm also worried about assholes, but I'm worried about that every day.

Afternoon doesn't sound so awful.  I'm worried about parking and traffic mostly.  I considered biking into work, but biking around 1:30 am and 10:30 am on Black Friday sounds like I'm just asking to get hit by a car.
I mean, I'm also worried about assholes, but I'm worried about that every day.

@avclub-951d3e731b6b2ac1e93cbba6e1b68e80:disqus Every bean bag on the board gets you one point, and every bean bag in the hole gets you three points.  Each team plays once in a round.  One team's points cancel out the other's. (If one team in an inning scored 3 on the board and the other team scored 1 on the board,