Mantis Cube

He's a little busy being concerned with those 92 other problems like accusations of nepotism and staying relevant.

He's a little busy being concerned with those 92 other problems like accusations of nepotism and staying relevant.

Well, it's a good thing you weren't aiming, because you missed.

Well, it's a good thing you weren't aiming, because you missed.

Surprisingly I haven't read the Beatrice Letters either, so I don't know.  I might have just been making guesses as to what VFD stood for.

Surprisingly I haven't read the Beatrice Letters either, so I don't know.  I might have just been making guesses as to what VFD stood for.

And I would be wracked with sobs, clutching my Leopold's bag from my last purchase.

And I would be wracked with sobs, clutching my Leopold's bag from my last purchase.

I want it to be a giant penguin stuck in the house unable to move ala Alice in Wonderland.

I want it to be a giant penguin stuck in the house unable to move ala Alice in Wonderland.

I like the art direction.  For all the cg special effects that have been popular lately, good old fashioned sequin and glitz spectacle has gotten a bit lost (with a few exceptions).

I like the art direction.  For all the cg special effects that have been popular lately, good old fashioned sequin and glitz spectacle has gotten a bit lost (with a few exceptions).

Let's hear it for the two best supporting actors in this movie- Ellen Greene's breasts.

Let's hear it for the two best supporting actors in this movie- Ellen Greene's breasts.

When I was a kid and I got The Unauthorized Autobiography, I was obsessed.  We're talking "pulled out a spiral bound notebook and made notes" because I thought with enough plucky determination I could solve all the mysteries of the series with a careful read and re-read of it.  Were there word scrambles?  I have a

When I was a kid and I got The Unauthorized Autobiography, I was obsessed.  We're talking "pulled out a spiral bound notebook and made notes" because I thought with enough plucky determination I could solve all the mysteries of the series with a careful read and re-read of it.  Were there word scrambles?  I have a

I picked up The Pale King while I was still reading Infinite Jest because my favorite bookstore was going out of business (excuse me while I take a break to quietly sob into my coffee) and everything was half off.  Anyways, I'm around page 115 and I can't tell if I'm used to his writing or if this book is just more

I picked up The Pale King while I was still reading Infinite Jest because my favorite bookstore was going out of business (excuse me while I take a break to quietly sob into my coffee) and everything was half off.  Anyways, I'm around page 115 and I can't tell if I'm used to his writing or if this book is just more

Drove down to Cleveland for an internship interview with Little Tikes.  I think it went well.  I have no job experience outside of minimum wage jobs so I could really use this.

Drove down to Cleveland for an internship interview with Little Tikes.  I think it went well.  I have no job experience outside of minimum wage jobs so I could really use this.