Mantis Cube

@Scrawler2:disqus Interesting idea regarding Delirium.  She has always felt like the least significant of the Endless, the one who wasn't quite a big enough concept.  I'd like her to ultimately come to represent the opposing chaos vs. order in the universe (which if I had to guess is what she's growing to), but I feel

@avclub-3e91970f771a2c473ae36b60d1146068:disqus  It was a little gross, but not viscerally so.  Gross images have never been that scary for me though.  I've always been more frightened of existential horror.  …and horses.

@avclub-3e91970f771a2c473ae36b60d1146068:disqus  It was a little gross, but not viscerally so.  Gross images have never been that scary for me though.  I've always been more frightened of existential horror.  …and horses.

To me Desire is this unquenchable thirst that even on a level like that would be amazing but unsatisfying.

To me Desire is this unquenchable thirst that even on a level like that would be amazing but unsatisfying.

@TashaRobinson:disqus  My answers were not driven by attraction to the characters but to the concept.  Surely having no Desire wouldn't hurt in a relationship with Dream, who is a jealous figure and was repeatedly cheated on.  And I can love and appreciate Death as a beautiful part of life without wanting to die this

@TashaRobinson:disqus  My answers were not driven by attraction to the characters but to the concept.  Surely having no Desire wouldn't hurt in a relationship with Dream, who is a jealous figure and was repeatedly cheated on.  And I can love and appreciate Death as a beautiful part of life without wanting to die this

You had me all psyched up for something utterly crazy but it turned out to be pretty tame beyond the concept.

You had me all psyched up for something utterly crazy but it turned out to be pretty tame beyond the concept.

Oh, yeah, I should have added that I was talking about the interior art. McKean's covers are incredibly beautiful and have aged very well.

Oh, yeah, I should have added that I was talking about the interior art. McKean's covers are incredibly beautiful and have aged very well.

I have a stomach of steel.  I'm going to read it WHILE eating lunch.

I have a stomach of steel.  I'm going to read it WHILE eating lunch.

@avclub-489acfbfa4d2424403acb81699170ac2:disqus  Yeah, at first it seems easy and then you start really thinking about things and concepts and get confused.  I don't think killing Desire is necessarily the smarted move, but it was a knee-jerk reaction to which of the Endless I feared most.  Despair is awful, but

@avclub-489acfbfa4d2424403acb81699170ac2:disqus  Yeah, at first it seems easy and then you start really thinking about things and concepts and get confused.  I don't think killing Desire is necessarily the smarted move, but it was a knee-jerk reaction to which of the Endless I feared most.  Despair is awful, but

I'm going to be a dick and say the artwork is rarely more than adequate (with a few brief exceptions).

I'm going to be a dick and say the artwork is rarely more than adequate (with a few brief exceptions).

…As to what my personal answers were, you mean?  At the time I think I chose Fuck Death, Marry Dream, Kill Desire.  This is not my answer now (with the exception of Marry Dream).