Mantis Cube

I'm going to sound like advice your mom would give you, but get a hobby or volunteer or go outside/drive to someplace scenic on a nice day.  Take some photos.  Go play with the animals at Petco.  Something to cheer you up.

I'm all about playing to your strengths when it comes to dressing up.  Do you look like a celebrity/own a lot of weird shit/have special skills/have a lot of free time/have a lot of disposable income?  Any of those are working in your favor.

I'm all about playing to your strengths when it comes to dressing up.  Do you look like a celebrity/own a lot of weird shit/have special skills/have a lot of free time/have a lot of disposable income?  Any of those are working in your favor.

Do you mean £100 in resale value, or cost to get something similar drawn now?  I hope you mean the latter.
Sorry, as a former caricature artist it always kind of pissed me off when people talked about "selling it when I was famous" because while the thought seems nice, I can't imagine getting to a point where something

Do you mean £100 in resale value, or cost to get something similar drawn now?  I hope you mean the latter.
Sorry, as a former caricature artist it always kind of pissed me off when people talked about "selling it when I was famous" because while the thought seems nice, I can't imagine getting to a point where something

I can't imagine physically bringing myself to delete Clone High.  Was crying involved? 

I can't imagine physically bringing myself to delete Clone High.  Was crying involved? 

I… pop culture costume… ARGH.  My costumes are always FUCKING AMAZING but never pop culture related.

I… pop culture costume… ARGH.  My costumes are always FUCKING AMAZING but never pop culture related.

It's definitely the island from LOST.

It's definitely the island from LOST.

I don't have anything snarky to say because a mysterious unexplained event is one of my favorite tropes.  I really liked The 4400 despite the bad acting.

I don't have anything snarky to say because a mysterious unexplained event is one of my favorite tropes.  I really liked The 4400 despite the bad acting.

That's beautiful, man.  -sheds a single tear that drips down cheek and lands on the table to spell out DAWES-

That's beautiful, man.  -sheds a single tear that drips down cheek and lands on the table to spell out DAWES-

That's actually a really damn good idea.
I predict it would usually be their own most popular and/or treacly works.

That's actually a really damn good idea.
I predict it would usually be their own most popular and/or treacly works.

Good call, I will absolutely defend the makers of greeting cards over Imagine.

Good call, I will absolutely defend the makers of greeting cards over Imagine.

I don't think jealous is the word to describe it.  I think he finds it annoying that something which to him is so obviously bad is universally held in high regard.  I mean, its easy to hate a song like "Tik Tok" or "Baby."  You're going to run into a lot of people who agree.  But hating something like this requires a