Mantis Cube

He's just not giving enough in bed, but damnit, we made a COMMITMENT.

Now I feel special.  Thanks!

Now I feel special.  Thanks!

Yeah, but is it going to be a sensitive, symbolic look at RV use in the United States, or is it going to be a reason to make some dick jokes?

Yeah, but is it going to be a sensitive, symbolic look at RV use in the United States, or is it going to be a reason to make some dick jokes?

@ColdGottoBe:disqus  Wow, thank you, I'm really flattered!

@ColdGottoBe:disqus  Wow, thank you, I'm really flattered!

Something about Aku was kind of… sexual.

Something about Aku was kind of… sexual.

I get kind of nostalgic when I think back on Adventure Time's origins too.  I remember when it was just a pilot on youtube my friends and I would quote.  I even signed an online petition to make it an actual show (I don't know why I thought that would help…)

I get kind of nostalgic when I think back on Adventure Time's origins too.  I remember when it was just a pilot on youtube my friends and I would quote.  I even signed an online petition to make it an actual show (I don't know why I thought that would help…)

How so?

How so?

Charlie Sheen hosting the Oscars sounds like a hilarious trainwreck that I would tune in for only to change channels in embarrassment five minutes later.

Charlie Sheen hosting the Oscars sounds like a hilarious trainwreck that I would tune in for only to change channels in embarrassment five minutes later.

Goddammit, someone outbid me already?

Goddammit, someone outbid me already?

I started questioning whether it was worth talking about or photographing and whether I even was fashionable after I posted that, and then I was questioning the level of androgeny I had achieved (although wanting to increase that should be the whole point?).  Ugh.

I started questioning whether it was worth talking about or photographing and whether I even was fashionable after I posted that, and then I was questioning the level of androgeny I had achieved (although wanting to increase that should be the whole point?).  Ugh.

I was waiting for a big tearjerker ending where Fran Kranz convinced the girl they were just going to wait it out and let the world end, only to shoot himself when she turned her back for a moment.