Mantis Cube

He spends a lot of time listening to Blink-182 and moping about how no one understands.

He spends a lot of time listening to Blink-182 and moping about how no one understands.

He was actually a heliskiier.

He was actually a heliskiier.

They'll be talking about his boners for years to come.

They'll be talking about his boners for years to come.

I don't like The Oatmeal, but wow, you're right  That's a face I'd stare at from across the room and never go say anything to.

I don't like The Oatmeal, but wow, you're right  That's a face I'd stare at from across the room and never go say anything to.

I was expecting something terrible and instead it was hilarious and awesome.  Don't you know that on the internet you're supposed to link to pictures and videos that would scar the average person for life???

I was expecting something terrible and instead it was hilarious and awesome.  Don't you know that on the internet you're supposed to link to pictures and videos that would scar the average person for life???

@avclub-6562c5c1f33db6e05a082a88cddab5ea:disqus No one would pick an avatar that wasn't a true representation of themselves. I'm a sentient Shrek cake.

@avclub-6562c5c1f33db6e05a082a88cddab5ea:disqus No one would pick an avatar that wasn't a true representation of themselves. I'm a sentient Shrek cake.

"Any persons featured in the Entry must be 21 years of age or older."
A real bummer, I thought it might be fine if I directed and my brother was an actor.

"Any persons featured in the Entry must be 21 years of age or older."
A real bummer, I thought it might be fine if I directed and my brother was an actor.

I was interested in animating something too, and the only rule that seems even tangentially related is "Entry cannot contain copyrighted materials owned by others (including
photographs, sculptures, paintings and other works of art or images)"
So as long as they're your own damn photos or drawings you're probably

I was interested in animating something too, and the only rule that seems even tangentially related is "Entry cannot contain copyrighted materials owned by others (including
photographs, sculptures, paintings and other works of art or images)"
So as long as they're your own damn photos or drawings you're probably

How complimentary is the Cub Scout?  Will he tell me I'm pretty?

How complimentary is the Cub Scout?  Will he tell me I'm pretty?

I drive around all summer with open windows blasting my Siren/Country Life cassette.  It makes me feel like the coolest person in the world.

I drive around all summer with open windows blasting my Siren/Country Life cassette.  It makes me feel like the coolest person in the world.