Mantis Cube

I'm weirdly impressed by your dedication.  You want an internet handjob or something?

I'm weirdly impressed by your dedication.  You want an internet handjob or something?

If I read just that last sentence on a book jacket it would be an insta-buy.

If I read just that last sentence on a book jacket it would be an insta-buy.

A Prayer for Own Meany really hit me in my "wish I could believe in religion but just can't" weak spot. 
"GOD HAS TAKEN YOUR MOTHER…MY HANDS WERE THE INSTRUMENT. GOD HAS TAKEN MY HANDS. I AM GOD'S INSTRUMENT"  That sentence gave me chills.  I love how well that gets tied together by the end too.

A Prayer for Own Meany really hit me in my "wish I could believe in religion but just can't" weak spot. 
"GOD HAS TAKEN YOUR MOTHER…MY HANDS WERE THE INSTRUMENT. GOD HAS TAKEN MY HANDS. I AM GOD'S INSTRUMENT"  That sentence gave me chills.  I love how well that gets tied together by the end too.

@avclub-14072b2ff783182847122db384e8863f:disqus I am your opposite.  I talk constantly IRL, but on here I actually lurked for 2 years before making an account and I STILL don't feel like I say much.

@avclub-14072b2ff783182847122db384e8863f:disqus I am your opposite.  I talk constantly IRL, but on here I actually lurked for 2 years before making an account and I STILL don't feel like I say much.

Slaughterhouse Five is middle school appropriate?   Reading level I get, but it seems like the kind of thing some overprotective parents would complain about at the PTA.

Slaughterhouse Five is middle school appropriate?   Reading level I get, but it seems like the kind of thing some overprotective parents would complain about at the PTA.

How can you just discount "The Smurfs" like that????

How can you just discount "The Smurfs" like that????

As amazing of a film as Black Narcissus is, I always laugh at the scene when the crazy nun with a crush sidles up to the shirtless Mr. Dean and eyeballs the hell out of him.
Not to mention how often that man shows up wearing next to nothing to hit on nuns.

As amazing of a film as Black Narcissus is, I always laugh at the scene when the crazy nun with a crush sidles up to the shirtless Mr. Dean and eyeballs the hell out of him.
Not to mention how often that man shows up wearing next to nothing to hit on nuns.

(crying tears of nerdy happiness) BRAVO SIR.

(crying tears of nerdy happiness) BRAVO SIR.

"House of the Rising Sun" is one of my favorite songs of all time.  I'm seriously envious, I wish I could have listened to that too.

"House of the Rising Sun" is one of my favorite songs of all time.  I'm seriously envious, I wish I could have listened to that too.