Mantis Cube

Are you an amateur standup comedian from the 80's???

Are you an amateur standup comedian from the 80's???

Was anyone else disappointed that apparently a bone saw looks like an immersion blender?

Was anyone else disappointed that apparently a bone saw looks like an immersion blender?

I completely agree.  I don't know if it was getting them in a big chunk or if they really were just that great, but I'm feeling weirdly choked up.

I completely agree.  I don't know if it was getting them in a big chunk or if they really were just that great, but I'm feeling weirdly choked up.

Thank you for looking that up, sir.  You're the opposite of Britta.

Thank you for looking that up, sir.  You're the opposite of Britta.

On the downside, I live with my parents again.  On the upside, I have a projector screen with surround sound in my room that I watched the Community finale on.  #notsohumblebrag

On the downside, I live with my parents again.  On the upside, I have a projector screen with surround sound in my room that I watched the Community finale on.  #notsohumblebrag

Yeah, Van Der Beek was a real dip in quality.

Or like a old sofa.  Sometimes you have to wait for a few weeks, and it's going to get rained on, but eventually a sketchy looking dude in a van will stop by.

@avclub-d7d1e0309597c93cda923d6b631281cc:disqus  Adding "space pope reptilian" in there just seems to make the future under Romney even more ominous.

I assumed late 20's.  Fat Charlie is given that nickname at 8 or 9. "Fat Charlie was only ever fat for a handful of years, from shortly before the age of ten."
"When Fat Charlie's dad named something, it stuck. Like calling Fat
Charlie "Fat Charlie." Even now, twenty years later, Charlie Nancy can't
shake that name"

I always wondered if Ned had brought his father back to life when he was too young to realize it, but his father did and left him and later his brothers so no one would notice he was staying young.
Or, perhaps Ned's power was genetic and his father had the gift too, which could have made for a very satisfying ending-

YES, I have been saying this for so long.  There's slapstick humor, musical interludes, opportunities for some sweet special effects, and the dual leading role that Donald Glover DESERVES.  (As an actor, I feel like he was MADE for that role.  Someone who can pull off both nerdy and cool, is funny, can sing… he's

Are you new to the internet?  Just complain about not understanding something and other people will look it up for you.

I'm too young to know what the fuck a CBGB is.

With that photo, I would have gone with "Holocaust victim dressed up for Oscar night!!!"

By that rule, I could date one of my brother's friends!  Or my brother!