Mantis Cube

She's apparently bipolar, which may or may not explain some of the problems.

I didn't realize until you mentioned it that I imagined that scene with shadow puppets when I read it.

But now I like you, so it was a good trade off.

They just gave 3 people ideas for crossover fanfiction.  I don't want to spoil anything, but Hagrid's dick is involved.

Guiseppe, I think you're going to find that your creative writing improves a lot when you stop typing in your accent.

Periods are fucking weird.  I got my first one when I was 11 or 12 and then didn't get another one until I was 14.  So… just saying.  Periods.

Christopher Abbott/Charlie is a beautiful man.  Every time I see a close up of his eyes I imagine a baby deer taking its first steps in a forest while a Fleet Foxes song plays or the sun rising on a motherfucking dew-kissed flower.

Theon really knows how to throw a party!  There's some lightly singed candy inside!

I hope that's your response every time they ask what your friends are up to lately.

If you really want to do something special for her, put someone else's menstrual blood in her sheets!  It's a prank the whole family can enjoy.

Maybe he's just taken "Smurf" to its logical conclusion and "Hodor" encompasses literally every part of speech.

It's been ages since I was part of a good old-fashioned boob line-up.

They're so white that a nude drawing of them looks like a polar bear in a snow storm blinking.

I used to call my brother once a month and leave him a voicemail of me singing that month's verse.
It always lead to him calling me back and the two of us singing together with riotous giggling, but today it's making me cry.

I still blame the dripping, bloody unicorn horn on the cover of my copy as the beginning of my horse phobia.  And pretty much the entire book for my general existential angst.

Cersei's chapters are like a medieval version of the "Real Housewives" shows.  I like terrible people yelling at other terrible people and I"ll take as much Cersei as GRRM wants to give me.

For me HBP stood out for the scenes of Voldemort's history.  I re-read the chapters the first time to try and spot clues, but came back to them more often than that because I loved how dark they got.

I had a really hard time getting into it at first as well, but I think @avclub-0f0d67e214f9fef69b278e3d08114da9:disqus 's recommendation of devoting time is good.  I read it in the morning with my coffee and at night before bed, and I'm clipping along at a better pace than when I'd try to read it on a whim.

That's the saddest thing I've read all day.

I like that you also call normal clothing when you don't fucking feel like putting it on "people clothes."