Mantis Cube

Would the sweet, sweet taste of Xtreme Blu crammed in your face hole make you feel better?

There's almost nothing that couldn't be qualified by "wouldn't work unless it was Don Draper."

That's exactly what I wanted.  Something paced like the shower scene in Psycho, with shots of other things to really build up the creepy factor.

I pictured something similar.  I guess my issue is that she always felt like a very ghostly presence.  I also imagined someone old.  Here I just felt like some hipster girl threw on her cool face mask to crash a party and whisper some creepy remarks every time she met someone.

Good, because I've been looking to semiprofessionally hire someone to dance to this song.

This week's grade for this gimmick is an A-.  The commitment to the persona is what's working best here for me.  I think we can really see HBO Italian Janitor of Cock hitting his stride, and despite a few minor missed opportunities for jokes, I think he's shaping up to be one of the best new gimmick accounts.

I feel like by saying that, you're making fun of my twitter by proxy.

I found that line ridiculously disgusting rather than amusing or clever, but I guess it's everything her character seems to want- namely, anything that isn't her sensitive boyfriend.


@Scrawler2:disqus Not just costuming.  That was some of my absolute favorite production design in any movie.  It was Oscar nominated for Costumes, production design, and art direction and won for best makeup.  I'll watch it from time to time when I just want some eye candy.

This adaptation seems really fucking weird to me because it has the unfortunate juxtaposition of occasionally brilliant character designs mixed with terrible ones, gorgeous colors and backgrounds, and stilted, uncomfortable animation.

I'm on a "I don't know how to NOT throw up after anything harder than a 6% beer" streak, so I like 'em fruity and terrible.

How can you say Capri Sun or Go-Gurt like it's a bad thing???

This made me imagine a Muppet concentration camp and I got really sad.

I don't think Miss Piggy was involved.

The subtle yearly rise in rubber ducky sales since the beginning of Sesame Street indicates Bert and Ernie were brainwashing us into being mindless consumers.

Are those the things with words printed on that thin stuff that there's a bunch of that you turn instead of scroll to read more? 

I'm really happy for this guy.  I met him and talked to him a bit at Detroit Fanfare, and you couldn't find anyone kinder.  Is this the first time a web comic has been picked up as an animated series?  It's an unexpected direction for the medium, but so many web comics have been having trouble monetizing their

The A.V. Club ought to interview the screenwriter Max Landis.  There will be some cries of nepotism (his father is John Landis) but I think it would be interesting.
