Mantis Cube

@avclub-42763705844bf5e2af4abd6c898f8dcb:disqus  @avclub-1e2184e9a38acddfb65b66905ad70f9a:disqus  It's not a job offer or even interview though, it was a portfolio review and it happened more to "make connections" and "get feedback."  Still, it was pretty cool.

I believe she said it was Alissa.

"Heyyy baby, you ever do it with a warg?"

Okay, now I want to get all SATC as well.   I'm a Hannah with a bit of Jessa I think, but my roommate is more Hannah than Hannah is, especially if Hanna manages to devolve to never wearing feminine clothes and playing a lot of video games.

I agree, Jessa is the most fascinating to me at the moment.  Any other show would treat her as this mystical muse because she's beautiful and detached and free spirited, but already this show is delving into the fact that she doesn't really care about anyone other than herself and puts no thought into how her actions

*Picnics or GTFO…?

I'm hoping for some awkward wooing.  "Hey, I noticed you liked amputated appendages, so I had my direwolf bring you back a necklace of human hands from the battlefield!  Hope you like it!"

Make sure it's something you'd be embarrassed to watch with your mom.

@avclub-b476828992f393a09339cf6270d30aa8:disqus  My mental image of the Red Viper was The Rock as himself trying to do a terrible accent, but yours is better.

It probably is too soon, but I also believe you can't be too soon unless you are literally making the joke as the event is happening.

Thanks.  It might sound silly but I really needed to hear that.  I get caught up in the day to day stress of needing prints and painting things until 4 am and being out of groceries that I forget that I have had some good opportunities and can draw pretty damn well, and isn't that what counts?

I loved Pontypool and the concept behind it, which struck me as one of the most original horror concepts I could think of.  In my excitement, I explained the concept to my dad, who decreed it to be "the stupidest thing he'd ever heard," since there's no good scientific logic behind it.  My dad generally has good taste

I'm about to graduate, so I've been having a completely hellish time.  On Friday, I had a portfolio review with a Pixar staff member who was really nice and gave me a full sized Brave poster.


Is Coach Z German now?

You are perfect.


That miniscule pelvis indicates that he can only poop out small pellets like a deer.

What did he think the market for this was going to be?  Aging housewives who used to love hair metal but now own only Broadway soundtracks?  I hope all 12 of them buy a copy.

I think this man is my soulmate.  We were meant to live together in a house in the woods surrounded by stakes with decapitated Barbie heads that have been recolored with Crayola markers.  The inside of the house has an unworking fridge with nothing but 7 gallons of milk and a lot of Shrek merchandise stuffed in the