Mantis Cube

@avclub-951d3e731b6b2ac1e93cbba6e1b68e80:disqus  I agree that The Constant was a good episode, but because of Faraday, not Desmond.  Blah blah blah true love, but when it comes down to it for me, getting more Faraday backstory, seeing him try to solve the problems, and the somewhat sad revelation that Desmond is his

Chip got shit DONE.  Dale got in the way of that and deserved every bit of ire thrown at him.  EXAMPLE- I watched part of an episode to confirm that Dale was every bit as terrible as I remembered him.  Chip was trying to get peanuts from a grocery store display.  As Chip was VERY CLEARLY in the process of lassoing one

Good list, but Desmond wasn't that interesting after season 3, and (it goes without saying) but WHERE IS BEN???
I do appreciate your love of Faraday though.


Tits?  They're pretty small, like a half-eaten jello cup.

It's as if someone gave a voice to a jar of store brand mayonnaise that someone left in the sun.

Eeyore gets it.  We're all just bags of chemicals waiting to die.

Bonkers confused the hell out of me.  I thought it was about Chester Cheeto but with a different name and I couldn't figure out why he didn't eat cheetos anymore.

It's been a long time since I've seen it, but I HATE DALE with a PASSION.  I do tend to identify with dickish, arrogant characters but I always preferred Chip and thought Dale could go bury himself in a deep dark hole.  As a child I also hated Tigger.  FUCKING TIGGER.  Any kid who ran around bouncing up and down

Everyone is right- the girls are in sexy baby chick costumes.

I resent that remark!  I'm socially inept in a completely different way than Abed!

I dressed up as The Tin Man for school spirit day in high school, but didn't realize I'd have to stop and get gas that day.  It was mortifying, so I can commiserate with him.

You forgot that you have to go to the bank later.

I'd like to think that his confession of stealing a pen from a bank is something Troy really did tell Abed out of guilt.

It really cemented how badly I want a Dean POV episode where we follow just him around.

I was smart and picked a tree with wifi.

I hope they're also cool with me bringing a sandwich bag of uncooked hot dogs in my purse.

It sounded like if they didn't get their lines out of their mouths fast enough, the words would turn into bees and sting them.

There's more than one British guy?