Brilliant mistake

The Antarctica of fridging. Although Coulson's fridging did motivate all the Avengers, even the ones that met him, like, five minutes before, so she'd have some competition.

The reviewers not psychic, she can't know ahead of time if the series will be good or not. Given the quality of the other Marvel series, she probably went into it thinking it had the potential to be great (I did). And her grades have been pretty fair, Bs and Cs. The series hasn't been D or F quality, but it hasn't

When the genuinely charming nunchuck scene happened, I thought "Whhyyyy weren't you earlier in the series?" It should have replaced the "jaguar fist" (or whatever they called it) scene. It much better establishes why she might enjoy having Danny around. The take-out scene was another boundary crossing move. SHE'S AT

Jessica Henwick had some previous martial arts training from earlier roles and I think that shows.

I wish they had brought in Davos a lot earlier and had flashbacks to childhood Davos and Danny. It would have done a lot to sell how conflicted Danny is and helped underline his desire for family. To that end, they could have used a couple more flashbacks to childhood happy times with the Meachums, besides the worst

This show is really going to suffer in comparison by coming out at the same time as Into the Badlands S2. At least for those who actually expected a show about a kung fu master to have a lot of great kung fu in it.

I was really surprised at how weak the counterarguments were to Danny's "sell them at cost" cluelessness. And the board acted like they had never heard that complaint before.

At least Into the Badlands' fight camp is run by experienced artists from Jackie Chan's company (including Daniel Wu himself). Plus, they have a second unit completely devoted to the fight sequences, directed by Stephen Fung, also from Jackie Chan's studio. They are a far better example of doing fight scenes well on a

Your ignorance about martial arts is exactly the same as other people's ignorance about fighting styles.

Just from watching the show and having not read the comics, I also thought she was a Chinese-American woman (or Anglo-Chinese-American) practicing a Japanese martial art. I thought it could be an interesting choice, meant to play off Danny as a white dude practicing Chinese martial arts (learned in a Tibetan

The repeated close-ups of Danny's face during fight scenes is so jarring and poorly done.

The fingerprints would work. It also occurred to me that photographs of ears can be used to identify people. It would have been amusing if Danny's attempts to ID himself were thwarted by him having long hair in every single one of his childhood pictures.

And yet so little man-man pirate buggery.

Knowing not to speak Mandarin to a girl because she is Asian* is not all similar to knowing the what the exact differences between various fighting styles is. I knew that Danny and Colleen practiced different styles from different countries, but I wouldn't know what those exact differences are. That the scene came off

Yeah, it would have been nice if another character had said something, even a gentle "FYI, I know you didn't mean anything by it, but if you are going to be staying in America, the monkey thing is not cool." It could even have worked as another example of Danny's cluelessness. As it plays, it looks like the writers'

Is there an actual prohibition from them using the Avengers characters? Because the references get so awkward I have hard time imagining it's a voluntary choice.

Yeah this show is such a missed opportunity. They had a great character set-up in Danny as someone whose childhood started out in one culture and ended in another. There's a huge amount of emotional resonance in never being able to go home again to American culture or regain the family (including the Meechums) that he

Really? Because I'm though episode eight, and while there are more bright spots, it remains mediocre. Are the last 5 episodes that spectacular? I mean, I truly hope they are, but I'm getting more and more "when do we get to the fireworks factory?" about it.

I think they mentioned that the Meechums had destroyed all the medical records. The broken arm was the only record left because it was outside his regular file. Although a copy or some mention of a broken arm should have been in his regular file as well. His regular pediatrician would definitely have made note of it

Like a lot of people, I was willing to chalk up Danny's oblivious insistence that people should just accept his identity he to naiveté after being gone so long. But then he admits he had a fake passport, which means he's perfectly aware how hard it is to prove your identity. He must have some street smarts after