Brilliant mistake

I wish they had leaned on Jessica being stronger than Luke a little harder, too. It would have helped stress that each Defender had different abilities.

Does covering a story about your ex-boss that you used to date top an ode to a mass murder? The code of conduct at her paper is very confusing.

Maybe if they had shown Danny losing some fights instead of winning every single one, that would have come across. As it is, when most of the audience and critics fail to see a central concept that the writers intend for them to see, that's on the writers.

Because that's where the foil is.

I have a mental image of the monks frantically stocking up on rolls of tin foil every ten years, then forcing the children to practice.

I'm just wondering how he would have enough experience comparing men's and women's English handwriting up in K'un Lun to even know.

I look forward to the scene where Danny calls Luke a monkey.

Aaaah, I see how you meant it now.

I was thinking more like


Plus, if it's a publicly traded company, wouldn't their stock value have absolutely tanked by the end of the show? I can't believe anyone would look at the shenanigans going on at Rand thought it was stock worth holding on to.

I liked Danny saying it, but it would have been even nicer to have Colleen ask it back.

Yeah, my reaction to Claire hooking up with Matt and Luke was "GET IT, GIRL"

I will maintain until my dying day that Cap lost his virginity on that USO tour.

I probably come off as having enjoyed the show less than I did. It was just so frustratingly mediocre that I see good show that might have been in the "eh, whatever" show we actually got. Daredevil S2 might also average out to a "C" grade, but that was because it had some ridiculous lows to go with its dazzling highs.

I would have been way happier if the show had leaned into its cheesiness much harder, like Supergirl does. This show couldn't decide if it was a cheesy kung-fu show, a family drama, or a gritty thriller. It winds up mediocre at all three (although the Meachum family drama minus Danny is the most compelling).

Then watch Into the Badlands. The last few episodes of this show have some fights that rise to the level of good but not great. The drunken master fright was the most entertaining for me (episode 8, I think). It really depends on how much you're willing to forgive wonky editing and some clumsy execution. I found

Oh, I didn't mean to imply that the weaponized bugs was actual idea we used, I disagreeing with the more general notion that the US wouldn't try to disrupt the Soviet economy in other ways.

Are you kidding? Attempted disruption of the Soviet economy was part and parcel of the cold war.

During Oleg's scene I thought "We get all these scenes of Oleg in Moscow; it sure would be nice to get one of Martha too."