Brilliant mistake

FYI, only 63.7% of the US are white people of European heritage (not hispanic or latino) as of the 2010 census.

"Whereas if he's White because he was fulfilling a lot of American kids' fantasies about going to the East …"

She's no more of a newbie than Barry was when he started.

It would have bothered me with Wally too. At least Barry put her staying in terms of needing her skills on Earth one.

Judging by what a douchecanoe her husband is, we may have to accept that she is completely color blind in the flag department. Also, the is the twee-est hardware store in the world. I'm assuming the pot growers just laugh at her before heading to the Home Depot in Newport.

Claire is really inforgivable, IMHO. She never even really considers Mary in her reasoning. It really turned me off the her in the book too. It's one thing to have a flawed character where the flaws are examined, such as in how her demands damage Jamie and their relationship. Her attitude towards pushing Mary into the

Yeah, I saw that flashback as "he's always been a violent asshole." The kind of person who thinks beating your kid is OK because it teaches them a lesson. I not entirely sure if the show endorses that tough love POV or not, but it made him even more deserving of getting shanked in my eyes, not less.

I'm OK with them omitting the rape (more than OK, really, much happier). But I liked the trickster god aspect of Reynard. They could do the trickster aspect without the sexual violence.

When did she commit crime? Before meeting Fisk, I mean.

If they had played that angle, I could have gone with it.

Yeah, I se what you're saying, but I still don't buy it. Or at least, I might buy a momentary fascination, but not a true love she would sacrifice her career and well-being for. He came across as a twitchy, violent, man-baby whose negatives hugely outweigh his positives. There are bound to be oodles of powerful men

I didn't mind his performance as a villain. The idea that Vanessa wouldn't have a dozen more appealing, less ragey romantic prospects is ludicrous.

"See you around, Matt"

It's his new cologne!

Agent Viscous Chestwax

Due to a programming quirk, the biochip only works when making dramatic exits.

I know, right? I think they tried to justify it by saying the prison was for the worst of the worst, but Soviet Russia could certainly consider political prisoners as the worst of the worst.

You don't think Felicity is capable of understanding that she can never confront Samantha once Ollie explains that to her? If Ollie believes she's that dumb and out of control then he shouldn't marry her.

Thea's talk with Ollie was bullshit. He can't trust his future wife with this secret? The one who keeps his secret ID secret? The one who designed his secret lair? Come the fuck on.
I'm so over the lying to protect your significant other crap, I wanted to kiss Cop Dad on the mouth when he was honest.