Dame Helen Mirren

Boxing Day exists to give football hooligans a ready-made excuse to drink away their Christmas hangovers and vomit in public. It's not good.

Little secret: all the British actors I know say "Anglophiliacs" because it sounds more like a disease when you say it that way. But they put food on my table, so I can't complain.

Eh. Anglophiliac Americans put food on my table, so I can't complain about them. Not publicly anyhow.

Boxing Day makes me embarrassed to be British. It's almost as embarrassing as ska music.

83 is too young.

Such a charming, talented man, and even more attractive in person than on film. R.I.P.

Even those of us who've made a movie with a "that guy" actor tend to forget who they are. On set they always introduce themselves and say they're honored to work with you. Then maybe you shoot one or two scenes with them. That's a few hours work in a multi-week shooting schedule. Next time you see them is at the

I recognized the face, but didn't recall the name. I don't think I slept with him, but I could be mistaken. R.I.P.

Such an angry song from an angry time. L.A. was a scary place for celebrities in those days. None of us felt safe. We were afraid to get out of our limos. I'm sure you know the feeling.

Liam, please quit making this rubbish. It's fucking embarrassing.

Hah! Great story. I've always had tremendous empathy for the lower classes. Fate dealt them a bad hand, so they do the only thing about it they can do – laugh! Also, I rest easier when they turn their barbs against one another and not their betters. Humor often hides real anger.

This is a hard blow to swallow.

When you get your OBE you can question my Englishness, peer to peer. Until then, you're just another boorish peasant.

Tonight I was celebrating escaping the Damocles' sword of the Rule Of Three, but now a sense of profound unease is setting in. Cheating death again was exhilarating as always, but must it have been an English nobleman who died in my stead? The scotch turns to ashes in my mouth.

Why must we English nobility die? It feels unfair. We deserve better.

Richard Attenborough just died, so the Rule of Three is no longer in play. Once again I have cheated death. Tonight, I celebrate.

Unlike me, this show has aged poorly. Very poorly.

Unlike Gene, I'm on my best behavior when the Rule Of Three is in play. I don't tempt death. Gene almost appears to be volunteering to be #3. Well, better him than me.

I know the feeling.

The Ultimate Warrior is the one that really stings. What a man.