
General never give you full replacement price for totaled nagger.

In South, affirmative action when black people move out of neighborhood.

Guy who eat weird food named "Zimmern," though most people don't know, don't care.

Me also fired from beauty pageant company.

Hiding in Plain Sight Tour

Pearl Jam:  Remember Laughing when Beatles Fans Got Old?

Sorry to say, in life, cookie always crumbles.

Me defy you to stay awake during show.

KISS Army mostly use drones now.

Me read that as "weakened."

Don't buy vowels if you not need them!

Me no believe hearsay.

KISS Land more like Old Jack City.

Me hate KISS, but mostly because me always prefer sound of Strat to Gibson Les Paul.

Don't forget me performance in Pineapple Express almost get me Golden Globe nom.

Me felt like killing myself.

Racial insensitivity only work if you sensitive.

Nearly impossible to both parody a genre and get any emotional weight from it at same time. 

Him thinking bird hat.  Him only think bird hat.

Our job done.