
Graduation a sad time.

Me not know there was Cookie Throne!

Maybe society finally grow up a little, not be so scared of body.

Do not spread Cookie Monster sickness.

Me just have opinion, like everybody else.

They make bad substitute for personality.

No.  Me agree.

Maybe only one true Cookie Monster, but spirit of Cookie Monster available in all of us.

Joke aimed more at Southern people than ethnic minorities.

Me just too lazy to switch back to other account.

I think we all agree Hitler bad guy.

Hitchcock say that.

Women pretend to care.

Sandia Corporation.

Everybody move to Pitchfork.

Hip kids hanging out smoking in back of Casey's.

Unsuccessful movie career, here me come!

Me wish me had too much money.

If you call "modeling agency" or "beauty pageant company" jobs.

"White trash" racist term.  Fame whores come in all colors.