Julio the Rebbe

Crow T Robot should host or nobody should.

Justice John Paul Stevens is still alive, 96 years old, a Cubs fan from Chicago and was at Wrigley for Babe Ruth's called shot in 1932.

I think Will Ferrell is available:

David Byrne managed the accomplishment of walking by me on the street in 2016 so at least he's still around.

Madeline Stowe will be the only person who appeared in the movie 12 Monkeys and the show 12 Monkeys, but we can also give her credit as the only person in the movie Revenge and the show Revenge.

This is the only thing that is relevant about this movie. But the producers should have gone full-out and got Joe Pesci, Sissy Spacek and Michael Rooker for this movie too. (Also, WTF is up with Costner's voice?)

I'm really glad that he was asked about that play. That was the first Broadway show I ever saw, back in 1996, as a birthday gift. It was a great production, especially with the legendary leads. But the guy I remember mostly for stealing the show was the guy who played Hornbeck with a lot of brio, whom I learned years

I once sat 2 seats away from Joe Franklin at a play and was tempted to reference that but it didn't really seem appropriate.

That is a dead-on parody of Jann Wenner's writing style.

I walked through a street they were shooting on for the pilot 4 years ago and didn't recall seeing any ads for it following the first season. I was pretty sure it was cancelled based on that and started seeing shooting signs for "Unforgettable" around NYC and figured it was another project with the same name because

What are these fucking iguanas doing in the rapture?

"Tommy Lee Jones to co-star with Gary Oldman and Kevin Costner in CIA thriller"

It was predicted that this reference would be made and I'm very happy that it has come to pass.

I remember reading in TV Guide back in (I think it was in) 1995 or 1996 that PBS was going to finally air this. Still waiting.

When I first half-glanced the article, I was scared that Alec Baldwin was threatening to run for Mayor of New York City again, a threat that Kelsey Grammar made as well.

I grew up in Staten Island. Patton Oswalt not sounding like a native New Yorker aside (though I agree he nails the personality type), there's no movie that captures being there more realistically than this.
(The Sopranos is the other piece of pop culture which I find to be the most realistic description of what Staten

True story: One of the members of the band (second from the left) also works as a court reporter. She was talking about her band on a deposition I was on with her, and less than a couple of weeks later, this is in the AV Club.

"Book of Revelations, fire-breathing lion's head, tail made out of snakes…who else is it going to be?"

And it's been on my iPod for about 4.