
*Is surprised to later discover this was already used by writers of American Dad*

I'd love to watch his journey on the Campaign Trail, but I couldn't sign up for Angels - Vegas gets hairy but at least he doesn't get stomped.

I'd love to watch his journey on the Campaign Trail, but I couldn't sign up for Angels - Vegas gets hairy but at least he doesn't get stomped.

Vegas with Hunter S Thompson, so long as no Z's were carved into my forehead.

Vegas with Hunter S Thompson, so long as no Z's were carved into my forehead.

Willam is exhausting on a lot of levels, but her LaShawn/Magellan line cracked me up.


Was it a free class, or did you pay to see some Steven Tyler deep throat action?

I don't know who let them out, but if Mark Wahlberg had been there those dogs would have stayed in.

Brace yourself: there was also a series that ran for two seasons.

American Gods. I've bought it four or five times - I keep loaning it out and no one ever returns it.

I actually enjoyed the cheesiness of the photos. I thought it worked well with the narration, especially those terrible Dick jokes (at which I both groaned and giggled).

"I tried to run away to Zion (?) National Park but that found me with that damn telescope."

I hope Dawn takes him out. Maybe we can get some sweet helicopter shots of her on top of a tree.

When that question was read I hoped it was true and that we would get to see Ozzy vs. the Giant Clam on a future episode.

One of the big risks of grouping with Dawn and Whitney is the potential Ozzy return. If he came back, would they stick with Albert and Sophie?

Ackles is consistently great - his reactions at Sam's wedding are fantastic. Qualls was fun and got some great lines. "No offense, we were just wondering if you got here by nefarious means."

I loved hearing Butt-Head pronounce "breast augmentation" in his girlie voice. Also: "Did her dad just say 'looking good?'"

Gordon Lightfoot … with a jug of maple syrup … on the Plains of Abraham

I've tried and I can't pick a single favorite line, but my favorite sound was definitely the metallic whip of Anderson's rake.