
Venture Brothers is great, but I'd have to go with a classic: Knight Rider.

I'm certainly no expert on this sort of thing, but it seemed like Alexandria was at least in part doomed by her wardrobe/makeup/props: slicked, non-whippable hair; heels that looked too fragile to withstand much action; sludgy lipstick; a micro machine car.

If Cochran can tone down his sexual magnetism and refrain from mentioning his lingerie football team, I think he's in his best possible position.

That is too sad and gross to mention, even here.

Yeah Matthew, get real!

I think Chris' child was born with a heart defect, just before the show. I don't necessarily think taking off to be part of a reality competition is a swell thing to do at a time like that, but if you did I can see why family would emerge as a prime motivator in interviews.

So along with all the explicit prayer stuff we have Ozzy, sacrificing himself with the intention of rising again so his team may live, all while looking like Chris Cornell in the "Jesus Christ Pose" video. Yikes.

There was an eagle screech? That makes my night! The TV was muted here, and I thought I got it all with the subtitles, but I definitely missed out on that.

That shot of him staring at her through the leaves of the shelter cracked me up.

Industrial Secret
by Gavin Gunhold
The oil companies don’t want you to know
That the average car will run on Consomme,
If you can figure out a way
To get the parsley out of the carburetor.

Yes! I waited through the whole song for that moment and felt a little ripped off.

"Only in Dreams"
Love the song, love the album, but a song about dancing I can't dance to. As it begins and builds it works but gets a little too heavy for slow dancing while remaining too sluggish for much else. I've got my spaz on to much of Pinkerton though.

Tom Sawyer
"Catch the witness, catch the wit/catch the spirit, catch the spit"
Okey doke, but you should know Mr. Lee, I charge extra for that.

I remember reading an issue of Too Much Coffee Man that laid out all the facts pretty clearly. Without lovely b&w drawings instead of horrific burn pictures, which was nice.

When I was about 7 this was my favourite sad song - it made me cry like crazy but I loved it. My top happy song was Bowie's "Let's Dance," and for some reason I had to mime some funky weight lifting moves instead of just dancing to it.