
Iron Man 2: Killing Yourself to Live

Cradle Will Rock is one of my favorite movies and Azaria is perfect in it.

I'm more interested in seeing who'd play Stephen King in the later books. My vote is Phillip Seymore Hoffman.

Anyone want to speculate on who might replace Stewart? I'd like to see Larry Willmore sitting behind the desk myself.

ooh ooh, do me next! I'm a liberal and stuff too.

I love them both to death. But I enjoy Stewart's interviews much more than Colbert's. Sometimes it seems like SC's schtick just gets in the way with what the guest is trying to say and doesn't add anything. I don't want him to get rid of it, but I just wish he'd tone it down a bit. It seems like he might benefit

My only complaint
after playing the demo is that the executions are a little too easy. I understand that Sam is an expert killer and it is pretty cool to take down a group of guys as casually as pressing a button, but I think I enjoy my kills more when I do them myself. Perhaps if there was some sort of slow mo

I can totally see where you guys are coming from and agree that they probably changed it to make it more palatable for a wider audience. But I happen to be one of the people who doesn't care for the other versions that much but loved playing the demo so far. I like having the option of stealth but if I blow it I

I also loved smashing the dudes head in the urinal, maybe it gets old in the full game but tell me you haven't thought about doing that in real life and I'll call you a liar (or maybe the next budda) Its all about the baddassery.

(sigh)I won't try to defend Wax Tom Cruise's political beliefs (or even assume I know them based on a two sentence statement) but don't you think it's a little sad to turn him into the picture of everything you dislike about whatever it is you think america is? Maybe he goes to all his city council meetings because

I'm already doing my part by driving on the wrong side of the road but here are a few more things we can import.

I've also never been able to succinctly describe my aversion to awkward comedies before, this article summed it up perfectly. I love the british office but can only watch it for about 10 minutes before I start getting all squishy and have to change the channel.

Miracle Whip inspires me to rebel and be an individual, just like all my cool friends. Hellman's makes me melancholic and introspective but ultimately is more satisfying.

Dunno, but is it okay if I hijack your comment to ask a question? I don't wanna put it on the fourth page because I'll never get an answer.

Are you sure he's all right? Because he might just be alright.

"Cause in the darkest depths of Mordor,
I met a girl so fair,
But Gollum and the evil Worg,
Crept up and slipped away with her-er.

Maybe I'm seeing the past through rose tinted glasses, but I loved this movie as a kid and watched it dozens of times. Maybe it was the D&D's demonic influence but there weren't very many fantasy cartoons that were made for mature audiences at the time. Anime hadn't caught on and VHS pickings were slim for nerds in

1977- I used to own a beeper, it was an electronical device you wore on your hip, it was kinda like twitter, but with only numbers that you made into secret codes to convey messages. 911= important call, 420=weed, ect

"to kill an owlbear"

Or Me? Oh wait, nobody cares about me.