
Man, what happened to Elegant Victorian Lady? Did she just faint dead away one day and never recover?

Don't listen to them Bronco, they're just Jello, green Jello.

It seems to me that the game could've been made so much shorter if Mario has simply asked toad which castle the princess was in. This game taught me the importance of follow up questions.

Man, I wish my friends didn't all read the avclub so I could bust out this album and pretend to be an exotica affecienado. Oh well, I probably will anyway.

i vote Phillip Seymore Hoffman.
Phyllis Diller as Courtney

I'd like to hear them cover "Flood" by They Might Be Giants, and I'd like to hear TMBG cover Yoshimi. And I like to cover myself in butter and hang out with stray dogs.

I saw them when they toured for "waiting for superman" and they didn't really have the budget that they do now, so the stage show was pretty low key compared to what they do now. But they still put on a great show and tried to get the crowd all riled up, which I appreciated. I've seen a lot of bands that just come

I heard….
that if you play this at the same time as The Wizard of Oz you can see a munchkin hanging himself in the background.

yes Yes YES, do more, this is my favorite AV feature.

Yeah, I get why the people would leave you for being a dick, but it should be equal for being a good guy. You can get the evil companions to stay with you by being nice to them but it doesn't work the other way around.

For a game that doesn't try to play the morality card too much, I found myself getting punished a lot more in DA:O for being bad than good. In that when you go the evil route you can't keep the best healer in the game or Leliana, who I was really looking forward to corrupting.

Hey Rowan just hop by my house on Sunday afternoon. Don't need no computer to play DnD.

Is this where we post what should have been on this list? Okay, here's mine…

Gawd bless Americer.

What, no hatred for Lady In the Water?
Just shows how truly forgettable it was, I guess.

When I saw The Good Son at the theater when I was a kid I thought it was really, really good. Caulkin made a very creepy antagonist and could probably make a comeback today just playing bad guys. I'd like to see how well that movie held up over time, though.

Dora the Executa

I wonder if there's a PROPHESY in this movie

Ooh Ooh, I wanna try too.

I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention, could you repeat that?