
are you sure it's your "friend" who has the dusability? Haha, nah, I'm just fuckin' with you bro.

I remember seeing this movie because I won free tickets to it on the radio (does the radio still give out free movie tickets? Is there still such a thing as radio?) I was entertained but I didn't remember anything about it until I saw this aricle, I actually thought it was virtuosity. Now that I remember a little I

Yeah, but to be fair about half of those were probably double posts.

I used to be a lonely misanthropic overweight aging hipster douchbag before I found the AV Club. Now I'm an informed lonely misaanthropic overweight aging hipster douchebag.


Oh man that Jim Cramer interview was some uncomfortable television. He looked like he was going to start bawling, but the build up to it with all the trash talking from JC on various other shows and Stewart making him look more and more the baffoon, it was a great time to be a shut-in with cable tv. I'll be boring


I think it would be funny if they made the Nigerian Prince into a character on the show, at least good for one laugh. (Doc Hammer, Jackson Public, gimme a call guys. I got Ideas, man!)

A ghost can haunt a person or a building, 24 chose not to haunt the coccoon because it was always getting blown up. Speedy and Woodrow Wilson could be haunting the Venture compound. I'd be interested to learn the reason why WW was haunting the Ventures.

I love how these comment boards can derail into something equally interesting, so I'll share. I was about 12 when me and my friends heard a rumour that the porn shop threw out old porno mags. We were like racoons raiding the dumpster, and somehow the owner would always know when we were out there because he'd come

After seeing the picture above I took the title to literally mean they were supposed to be father and son. I thought it was great casting, now I'm just cornfused.

fealt the same way about Transpotting

It's in the commercial, and basically says everything you'd want to know about this movies. A boy video chatting with a chick, shows her his schlong and then someone (maybe parents,I dunno) walks in and he snaps the laptop on his dingaling. Fucking hilarious.

Is it anything like "video killed the radio star?" cause that would be awesome.

Dude, talking about Miami's Underground Dinner Scene breaks the first rule of Miami's Underground Dinner Scene!

D-Volt drives a red ninja motorcycle and wears a matching leather speed suit with the silloet (I know bad spelling) of a dragon on the sleave. Brian drives a fucking minivan with an honor student bumper sticker. Yukon drives a vintage Vespa. Matin doesn't drive anything because he never learned how, but never has

The reality show trappings turn me off a lot (although this season is much better than the last) I especially don't like Padama's catch phrase, "pack your knive" bs, its a little too close to "your fired" and with contestants you actually care about it just sounds silly. I think they should just play "hit the road

I bought a case of Inventory books
because I love to reread my favorite books but hate reading used books.

But the orange you glad i didn't say banana joke works on so many levels.

Poor Ken Ober
I used to idolize this guy as a kid and watched this show avidly. I've been hoping for a remake of it but I guess I'll have to wait till I get to heaven… Oh damn, I forgot I'm an athiest, I guess I'll have to wait for hell then.