
Actually, I owns this album, nyuk nyuk.

You was thought what?

I've never seen the original, only the Simpsons parody, and I think I must have benefitted from the lack of comparrison because I liked most of what I saw. There were a lot of genuinely creepy moments and the nutty editing made me feel like I was drugged watching it, so maybe it's a lot of style over substance. That

"Destroy the Earth??"
"But that's where I keep all my stuff!"

brock's getting his own show….

Phillip Dick always reminds me of Vonnegut's character Killgore Trout. An amazing imagination and extremely prolific but often quite badly written. I usually just read his stuff for the ideas it gives me rather than the stories themselves.

what really makes me like the movie is the fact that it is a true adaptation of PKD's work. The other movies, even Bladerunner, feel as if they've taken ideas from the book and made them their own. You can really feel the love and respect that Linklater has for Dick's writing.

Yeah, as I recall he had to duckwalk through the entire movie.

Except for Dave Sims, his beliefs just make his comics funnier.

The thing I love about Eddie Campbells work is that it seems simple and casual but has an immense amount of talent. It sort of reminds me of a friend writing notes with pictures doodled in the margins, or perhaps like being able to watch someone's thoughts played out on paper while they sleep, especially Bacchus. I

As much as I like Kevin, it seemed to me that he should have been penalized for tossing the other chefs contributions. The challenge was supposed to be emphasizing teamwork, and I thought for sure that the judges would bring this up. I guess that was all just B.S. to justify a goofy (albiet fun) challenge.

"a wizard did it"

its true, they'll just start talking about what a motor mouth they are. "yeah, I know I talk alot, sometimes it drives people crazy! This one time I talked so much… (blah blah blah)"

i can't imagine chilled pork tenderloin would ever be good. Sounds like baloney to me.

hot dogs and Hot Damn

if the Top Chef producers would just give both of the boys their own plastic wrap there wouldn't have been a problem.

precocious little shit.

More hatred for Mike I.
How the hell does a guy who claims to be greek mispronounce Gyro? Is it a rotating disk? No, its a sandwiche. I seem to remember him butchering tzatziki as well. I can forgive being a dickhead but this is just morinic.

This is the third post of a double comment! I was 23 in 2003!
Holy Shit! Its all coming together.

"Pink Cigarette" by Mr Bungle, my personal favorite suicide song.