much more cleverer than the po

I'm not saying we won't get our hair mussed, but sacrifices must be made.

Someone needs to make this a viral video NOW.

Obvious, but "moist".

What @disqus_AtOTYhkY81:disqus said. I'm studying the movies released from 1967 through 1975 and there's almost no sequels or follow ups from any movies made before that era (though they loved genre pastiche). The generational split between Greatest and Boomers had little crossover pop-culture-wise from the studio

The far right lost by a much wider margin right here in the United States of Fucking Awful Democratic Institutions.

Very much on the bright side: Antonin Scalia.

Sorry, I've been so activated by this election, I'm talking in speeches.

Fair enough. The way you phrased it, it sounded like you were talking about an entity separate from yourself.

You hope. Hopes and ideals are fantasies (by definition), which are irrelevant to the power equation. I don't want the Republican party to be destroyed because harming the party just leaves a power vacuum for another set of right wing power-mongers. I want the American citizenry to become powerful enough to have its

I'm sorry if I'm being Mr. Doctrinaire here, but "The Democratic Base" is US! We're the ones who need to get it together. We're not watching a reality program.

They're already complacent. Complacency is how we got here. The question now is, will they stop being complacent and start taking responsibility for their own government for a change.

What you're talking about are opinions and impressions and polls, which are soft and wash away like yesterday's acid rain. Everyone was horrified by the Pussy Grabbing Video for all of a week, and then it was like it never happened once - What? Oh shit, emails! Look! Something shiny!

Oh boy, are you kidding yourself. Lobbyists are smacking their chops, lining up lists of goodies they're surely to be granted under complete Republican rule. Trump gets to appoint more than 4000 people to run our government, meaning full employment for right-wing fuck heads and all the big donors will get cushy spots.

Well, and for all the "shucks, gee whiz" in Costner's general aura of amiability, I hear tell that he'll fuck anything in a skirt.

Early winner.

Hokay, here's the most important question facing America today - Who will play Trump and Hillary in the inevitable HBO film?

Or anyone who watches Rachel Maddow. She did a piece on this a few weeks ago.

I don't know, I'm not one of those who demands a show present "answers" if it intends to be an ongoing concern, but it does need to give me something to stay engaged in to reward the time spent. Ten hours of view time ain't chicken feed, and I'd like there to be more going on than the first third of a second act

All I could think about was how unbearably fucked up Brolin's character would have gotten. Why would he do that to himself on purpose? He looked badass in the moment, but would have paid for it with a baaaaaaaad night.

You've just named my future memoir.