much more cleverer than the po

Goddamn is Tim Roth's hick accent convincing. (although if he and Jennifer Jason Lee are meant to be siblings, they must have been raised in different states)

The whole series has just been a stealth tribute to Judy Garland. IT ALL MAKES SENSE NOW!!!!

I have no idea why Emily Stephens keeps saying that Agent Cooper is slooooooooooooooooooowly returning to his old self. He just stands there and mutters things other people say, and enjoys old Cooper stuff like pie and coffee. His behavior seems exactly the same to me as it did when he first came back.

I DON'T UNDERSTAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Were the squirrels married?

Almost loved up though.

The goddamn pater familias!

We're mass communicatin'!

It does put me in an awkward position, vis a vis, my progeny.

The thing the show has in common with them all is being aggressively reactionary, which absolutely dovetails with Trump's rise. Trump doesn't have vision, just backlash and bile toward whomever he decides is responsible for problems real or imagined, and then it's mockery, puffed chests and blind disruption of

I keep wondering, if they're so frustrated with Candy, why they don't ask one of the other two ladies to do stuff. They must be even more checked out than Candy is.

The Clintons have been a part of our national public life for three decades. They've done plenty of good in that time. They've taken plenty of actions worth despising. It's a very mixed bag, but I can live with it. Anyone who thinks we're going to get the Progressive president we want is kidding themselves, and that

This is the water, and this is the well. Drink deeply and descend.

The problem with this theory was that cartoon characters didn't have genitalia until The Simpsons (give or take a Bakshi feature).

That nose of his… indicates things.

Films that show realistic violence are actually pretty rare, mostly because it's not only raw, awful and depressing, but would ordinarily stop the plot cold. I remember in Grand Canyon (not itself a great movie), Steve Martin's character getting shot, and he just twitches in shock on the sidewalk while he pees himself

Oh yeah, anti-establishment is complete horse shit. I can't tell you how many people (used to work in California politics pretty deeply) I've heard whine about ballot initiatives being overturned by the courts, as if they have a lot of nerve objecting to the will of the (stupid) people. I'm like, "Get a fucking civics

Wouldn't it be awesome to have a show or cartoon or something be about the Island of Misfit Toys, all characterized as losing presidential candidates? "Nobody wants a John Kerry in the box."

One thing I rarely hear addressed is that those who identify as Democrats are just as susceptible to the forces that impact their camp as Republicans are to theirs. Meaning, Republican voters have become more extreme, more divisive, less willing to compromise, more reactionary, while Democrat voters have become more

Anyone remember Steve Forbert's Romeo's Tune?