much more cleverer than the po

I've been thinking about it as a response to/twist on the now-stock end credits of prestige cable shows that have been the same since The Sopranos. Impactful moment… Showrunner's name… Song from the showrunner's Ipod that perfectly matches the impactful moment and theme of the episode playing us out for the week. I

Just to be fair, there were a bunch of other criminals on that bus. The attack didn't necessarily have to be about her.

Well, sure, I get the money laundering, but obviously there are easier and less risky ways to do that than taking over an unwilling business. The whole point of laundering is to fly under the radar, which is defeated if you do it while drawing all this odd attention to yourself by moving into an office full of

I posted this earlier in the week, but it got buried, so I'll reiterate. The problem isn't his characterization, it's the fact that he doesn't have any kind of real goal to pursue. Everything about Varga is "tell don't show". Why did he want to take over Emmit's company in the first place? There's vague references to

It's not Varga's characterization that bothers me, it's that he doesn't actually do anything. Everything about his role in the season is "tell don't show". Why in the name of Job did he want Emmit's company in the first place? There's all these vague references to "getting rich", yet not an inkling that there's

I was left wondering how he came up with the $700 figure. Is that the amount of his rent?

Great analysis!

Interesting read on it, but I don't think the two are mutually exclusive. In all likelihood, he wouldn't have hidden the straight cash he swiped from the till. He'd have gone right out and spent it. The coins were just icing.

An old girlfriend dragged me to Pulp Fiction just after it opened, and I knew nothing about the movie or about Tarantino. I have never enjoyed a cinematic experience more than I did that evening. There's a surprising moment (or was, anyway) just about every five minutes in PF when you don't know what's coming. After

That's not the half of it. Scientists are also saying it's a bad idea to douse your eyes with axle grease, shove handfuls of driveway gravel up your anus and lay naked inside the jaws of a crocodile after smearing your entire body with ground beef. Assholes never let us have any fun.

Yeah. "Apparently".

I could live my life to this music. I think it's transcendent..

It's been my understanding for some time that regions that have done broad-based, well-funded voucher programs haven't found it to be a panacea - and occasionally the opposite to solving any intractable problems. They simply took the problems they were having and transferred them to another building where they became

Is it me, or does this article bury the lede? The Leftovers just became a Christian allegory. Full stop. They're creating a savior, as far as I can tell. Unless future installments subvert this, and it very well might, but the man who threw scripture in the garbage because it wasn't about himself, just went through

And it was seven years before he could get that fucking tune out of his motherfucking head.

I think the decades of awards, great reviews, box office grosses and audience adoration have her fooled.

No, it is literally describing the work of cutting and installing shag carpeting.

I thought the voice actors just got together in the studio and made everything up on the spot.

Maybe it's that tiny Roosevelt from Night at the Museum.

He'll find a previously unseen loophole in the 22nd Amendment.