much more cleverer than the po


Yeah, and if John Oliver, Samantha Bee, Noah Trevor, Stephen Colbert, Bill Mahar and Larry Wilmore (to say nothing of…duuuuhhh… The Onion) haven't been able to pierce that bubble, well, obviously we just needed Jon Stewart! He would have fixed everything!!

Election cycle needs more Jew.

Actually, he's been more specific in his language in regards to that. He says, "I'm first and foremost a comedian," but not, "I'm ONLY a comedian." He doesn't deny that he has a point of view, just that if the laugh, the disruption of our political hypocrisy into laughter, isn't there, he's failed. The commentary is

And Oscar and Over the Top and Stop or My Mom Will Shoot and Rhinestone and Staying Alive and Victory and F.I.S.T. and Tango and Cash and Cobra and just about everything that's not Rocky, Rambo or The Expendables.

A film that will forever be known (at least by me) as being released at the same time as The Good German, creating the best double-feature of all time - The Good German Shepherd.

Well, you know, changing area codes does wreak havoc with the long-term memory.

Just so long as Iron Man isn't Chinese, cause, you know, if he fought The Mandarin that would be awkward.

Salty, I'm of the considered opinion that you can take your second amendment and shove it so far up your rectum that you can taste the parchment on your tongue.

Hope he's okay. He's an institution.

Wasn't this supposed to be turned into a fiction film at one point? I've been hearing about the script for years. Was it ever made?

I've been reading down the comments about to what extent, or whether or not, Islam made this happen. I just can't stand it. I can't stand watching people fall into the same rhetorical traps that cause the enrichment of a few at the cost of chaos and misery for millions.

"Bipolar" is just a psychological name for an emotional pattern that includes the mood swings the shooter had. What we can blame the shooting on is whatever concoction of internal and external stimuli this guy had going on under the hood. Probably a combination of drugs, chemical imbalance and hate speech. There are

Can you explain why you are taking an insane man's perspective on himself at face value? If he said he was told to shoot people by his dog, would you rush the dog to a lab to get his vocal chords tested? He didn't have a beard. He was bi-polar and prone to sudden bursts of rage where he would savagely beat his now

And the "retreading old successes" phase of his career has officially begun!

I've heard there was some stand-up comedy that he was supposed to be fairly good at. Could be a rumor.

Boy, I sure wouldn't support, "Get a small gun," which just puts them in more statistical danger than not carrying a weapon (guns go off and shit).

I like this, but it would have been stronger if they'd put a call out for legislative change of some kind and encourage people to take action. It's not like there's not plenty of room to protect rape victims in court proceedings. As is, it's very heartfelt, but still boils down to, "Be nice."

If "freedom of speech" isn't the freedom of speech in our Constitution, than what is it?

D.W. Washburn or GTFO