much more cleverer than the po

But how, how, how can I miss out on "The best show on television"?

Okay, the wife and I are in the middle of season two, and as many chances as I've given this show (due to the high praise it gets here), I just don't get it. The subplots seem to just drag on endlessly. Try imagining the love affair between the Russian and American agent on a show like Better Call Saul. They'd have

You ask if the left is responsible for the election of a Republican candidate and your evidence is something Google did? Waaaahhh?

I don't expect too many people to know this one, as it's an obscure Italian film from the seventies, but both Django and 12 Years are Disney productions compared to Goodbye, Uncle Tom.

Your opinion card has just been revoked. Please never rate anything again.

It's hard to believe at this point that Woody was the go-to example of a filmmaker that understood women. I'm not sure how much of that is just his fading talent and insight and how much was the low expectations set by sexism in general. A lot of this was said in the eighties where female character = whiny wife of man

It's too late. I've seen everything.

I prefer Captain Picard standing on top of a Mercedes while quoting Shakespeare after sucking a transvestite hooker's tits.


Thinkin' Tom Cruise. Same stature, same voice, same humility, same natural talent at hitting people with chairs…

No will!?!?! This fucking multi-platinum, four-decade musical superstar worth God knows how many millions never created a fucking will? What an asshole!

"We blew it."

And then is martyred to either protect or sacrifice his artistic freedom.

I have zero confirmation of this, but I just get this vibe from Cort in his roles that he's a certifiable raving lunatic. Anyone know?

Ugh, I turned off that piece of shit before the first hour was up. I never could have imagined growing up that I would look at a freakin' Woody Allen film with such disgust.

So many people say that about Crimes and Misdemeanors, but the "funny" stuff with Alan Alda didn't work for me at all. It felt like someone imitating things that are supposed to be funny. I can't make a classic out of half a great film.


There's also a This American Life installment where an actress tells the story of having a tough experience after being cast in one of his stage productions. "Woody Allen was ruining my Woody Allen experience."

How's this for a counter argument?:

The violent hatred of Chuck here is pretty hilarious.