much more cleverer than the po

You know what the AV Club really needs? MORE ARTICLES ABOUT BATMAN!!!!

They'd hardly need a lab. All those documents came out of a computer that would have the correct address. I guess it's part of Jimmy's character that he doesn't think things through, but how does he not know this is going to blow up into a fiasco and cost him his girlfriend at the very least?

Hm, what's the state equivalent of slippin' Jimmy? California maybe? Florida is a possibility.

It really pisses me off when someone actually understands the system they're trying to accomplish things in. We all know that people who have never worked in politics are above being corrupt and greedy.

If there's money to be made, they'll work with Geobbels. Nobody was writing him off after Passion of the Christ and the Jews hated that. Gibson committed the hat trick of pissing off Hollywood at the same time he made a public fool of himself and followed it up with a huge bomb titled after slang for vagina. That's

Hey, that's not fair, Bob Hope is God! DiCaprio has evolved in recent years from an across-the-board poor actor to one who's mediocre to acceptable in a limited range of roles. The man's a fucking artist!


I've been posting witty retorts for more than a decade and I never got an invite. In fact, I just discovered that After Dark existed.

Supreme better than Promethea? Boy, are WE on a different wavelength.

FYI, the whole idea of "navel-gazey introspective stuff" is about fifteen years out of date. The world of graphic novels has endless variety at this point. I'd encourage you to dive in. The water's fine.

That's the thing though - I don't want good superhero comics. I reached a point where there was just nothing left in it for me, and now I find the whole idea of a superhero to be boring as dirt. It's hard for me not to get condescending about it, because I can't see why an adult would even be interested in the first

I swear, this place has become The AV Club, starring Batman. I'm just sick of looking at the thing.

One of the few superhero comics I've read the past two decades was "Death of the New Gods" (an impulse buy if there ever was one) because Jim Starlin doesn't shy away from capes and cowls being fundamentally preposterous. The man knows how to throw a punching party. Reading it was a total hoot.

I'm not much a fan of serialized fiction in general. Almost all my comics reading is stand-alone graphic novels, and I could recommend about four or five hundred of them just off the top of my head. I pretty much read books from any and all genres except superheroes because I burned out on them after a youth spent

You know, I don't begrudge anyone enjoying what they enjoy, but don't any of you ever get sick of all this superhero bullshit? It's fuckin' everywhere, and most of it is egregiously awful.

All I could think of watching it was, "Wait a second, at the end of the last movie, didn't they all win? Dancing to bad music on multiple planets and shit? How did everyone un-win and become a rebellion again?"

Yeah, aren't we trainable? Familiar name that triggers inner child associations, create product with whatever shit comes to mind (insert ads for future product), spend tens of millions repeating the name over and over and over and over and over. We can't help ourselves.

I want to see them get married and take Jane's virginity! Then they change the name of the show to Jane the Lover!!!!!

Alison Bechdel is a serious cartoonist and her graphic novel memoir Fun Home is a stone-cold literary classic. The Bechdel Test was created in her earlier serio-comic lesbian serial strip Dykes to Watch Out For. It was only mentioned in a single entry of that long-running series, and I'm betting she's as surprised as

I think it's good the show is wrapping up. I just wasn't feeling the Childrens Hospital thing anymore. After seven seasons, how many more dumb doctor jokes can you watch?