much more cleverer than the po

What about him?

Is this an ironic reference to AV Club's article on Stardust Memories?

This ain't Comic Panel, folks. It's Big Issues.

I think the action genre (or maybe the police action genre) in particular is hewn to the era in which it's made, as it's so married to whatever the current fashion is for legal use of force and how to cope with criminal activity (and what constitutes criminal activity for that matter). Certainly "Best Picture Winner"

In light of his upcoming "likely" Oscar win, one website I came across did a top to bottom review of his film career. Basically, everything the man's starred in that wasn't Rocky, Rambo or The Expendables has been a pretty miserable flop (I think Cliffhanger was the sole exception). Stallone can't even lay claim to

Morgan Freeman had sex with Donald Trump? Well, Trump's got my vote for Best Motion Picture!

Obviously, Chuck is a real piece of work. I meant what I said more literally than that. Chuck seems certain that Jimmy will pervert the law. Jimmy perverts the law. Regardless of whatever role Chuck might have played nudging his brother down that road, he's still got the outcome pretty much pegged. He already knows

Wow, it looks like only five theaters. They've got to go wider than that, don't they? I'm used to seeing an L.A. date at the least.

You all remember that Chuck is actually right, right? That anyone who perceives Jimmy with unsullied eyes knows that he's a natural criminal and that he's going to do exactly what Chuck fears he's going to do. Slipping Jimmy with a law degree actually is a perversion of the law.

…And now I've watched that video, and it's SO geek-centric, superhero-centric, Marvel/DC-centric I think he's never read anything else (including prose novels). What a load.

Not to anyone who's read it.

All the issues of the original run of 'Mazing Man appeared on stands in 1987 (in fact, the last issue's cover was an homage to DK #1). I don't know how many people today would have heard of him, or how hard it would be to find at this point, but 'Mazing Man was the polar opposite of this kind of darkness. Just normal

Each issue is self-contained for the most part. They're all a riff on a different genre of 60s book, and the whole series is a total hoot. Definitely worth reading.

Newsstand owner was the bald white man. The black kid was the one reading the pirates comic.

Grendel's still around.

And the point being that people with the power to fuck shit up according to their agendas, prejudices and personal sicknesses are dangerous. He's very clear that the desire to "punch poverty in the mouth" is a fascist impulse that the likes of Donald Trump will demagogue on.

I read an interesting thread of emails on a Yahoo Group I'm a part of, unpacking the whole "ages" model of comics history, with the problem, as most of us pointed out, being that it pretty much defines comics history as refracted through superheroes. This article itself is somewhat guilty of using comics and

The only thing comics creator;s at large have tried to replicate out of Watchmen is Rorshach's arc and The Comedian's badassery (you could maybe argue some of the sci fi trappings and the general tone of issue eleven, but that's it). Nobody to my knowledge has tried to ape the unique color scheme, the parallel tracks

Ho-Lee Shit. It's about how a group of blacks start an armed rebellion against the US government. Almost nothing is resolved.

Have you ever seen The Spook Who Sat By the Door?