much more cleverer than the po

"The 70s" in film critic terms, lasted from 1967 through 1976 - essentially Bonnie and Clyde through Jaws.

Is this a good place to say ho-lee shit, Domhnal Gleeson! Dude's in four Oscar nominated films this year (two of which include someday-Best-Actor-winner Oscar Isaac)! How do I get a meeting with his fucking agent?

Double strength disease germs that… uh… kills immunity!

No! You're wrong! You're wrong on the internet!

Okay, I thought this was just a trailer, when in fact it's a pretty overextended bit. As a funny trailer, it's hilarious.

Are you kidding me? Just the look of the thing is hilarious. Only someone who was on TV in the eighties could have so perfectly captured the aesthetic. That shot of him and the "homeless man" is so perfect, and it's just as throwaway. "Coming up on this week's Monday Night Movie…" The re-creation is perfect down to

Yes, if you set aside the raging tantrums, the slurs against blacks, Mexicans and homosexuals, the family history of Holocaust denial, the drunk driving, the misogyny, the abusive relationships, the religious fundamentalism and blaming most of the worst crimes of humanity on Jews in person and in his films, Mel Gibson

I suppose he could have meant all that tongue in cheek, but… sending a rep? Cease and desist letter? Legalese?

I'm having a love affair with this ice cream sandwich.

George Bluth and an ice cream sandwich.

The Pinocchio reference takes on a whole new meaning if you read Winshluss' comics version. The landlord's wife made extra special use of that nose.

Everything in a Hertzfeldt cartoon is deliberate.


Is this one of those facial hair indicator things? Pacino with a goatee = bad movie?

Ha, like I leave the house now.

I remember many years ago seeing him on the Tonight Show where a stage hand was apparently supposed to have left him a stool to sit on. In the seconds it took the guy to correct the mistake, Cosby shouts out, on live national television, something along the lines of "You see? And you call me arrogant!" There was a

They're all incredible. His uncensored Vegas show is hysterical ("I love you! Now, open the door or I'll kill your children!") The B-side of To My Brother Russell Whom I Slept With is utter brilliance. Bill Cosby: Himself in its entirety is a Smithsonian-level classic. "I-be Wabas Wonder-ebing aboubt mybe fabce."

It's not as if there was no information out there prior to last year. Even if you missed the barely-covered settled-out-of-court lawsuit, the friendship with Hefner, the infidelities, stories of his antics on various sets - it was out there for anyone who follows the entertainment industry closely that he was a pig.

In general, I find it hard to believe that the tag "Complete and Utter Fuckery" has only one article filed under it. At least a third of Newswire articles fall under that category.

One thing that's always bothered me about Groundhog Day is, what happens to the rest of the human race? While Phil Conners is living the same day 10,000 ish times, either he enters a parallel timeline each consecutive day, or we just keep repeating the same day along with him without knowing it. So, if he never