much more cleverer than the po

One thing that's always bothered me about Groundhog Day is, what happens to the rest of the human race? While Phil Conners is living the same day 10,000 ish times, either he enters a parallel timeline each consecutive day, or we just keep repeating the same day along with him without knowing it. So, if he never

And a damn fine brand of brew. Is there anything that Adams can't be? Why, he could even be president someday.

Popular culture matures to the point that corporate-driven adolescent spectacle with overtones of fascism is no longer appealing to the masses. HA HA HA HA!!!!!!

There was no cloak in Mystery Men. He had a cape, not a cloak, which makes it a completely different joke.


I thought if I were the one writing The Force Awakens, I would have had some character mention midi-chlorians so another could respond, "Oh, come on. Everyone knows that midi-chlorians were disproved ages ago."

This seems good a place as any to reveal that I've created a Harry Potter-style invisibility cloak that ACTUALLY WORKS provided it's a cloudy day out, there are no nearby mirrors, you're not wearing anything yellow, orange or blue, you stand perfectly, absolutely still, everyone faces away from you and you're already

I have two basic responses. One, wouldn't it be amazing if the Oscars became vital and interesting, really awarding compelling artistic work that reflects the cutting edge of storytelling and the trends of modern life? And two, fuck it's gonna be hard to win the Oscar pool in a couple years.

I think the 392nd person to repeat that joke can be legally killed.

You know what? The 187th repeat of that joke isn't nearly as funny as the 64th. Personally, I still get a chuckle thinking back on the 93rd version.

Gotta wonder how that came about. Didn't the rappers themselves produce the thing? Why didn't they hire black writers?

Oscar News Network, this just in… White, male, senior citizen millionaires fail to fully appreciate 90's rap hit "Fuck Tha' Police".

All reality television is a swamp of greed and exploitation and its producers are freak show operators and con men. It's where greasy bottom feeders go to get mansions in Beverly Hills and regular tail.

I once met someone who told me he appeared twice on the Morton Downey Jr. show as two different people, neither of which was himself. They didn't approach him; he just walked up to the producers and said, "Hi, I'm [fake name]. I direct porn."

There totally needs to be a companion article about Bowie on film. There wasn't much, but what there is is choice.

Everything you say is a legitimate interpretation of events, Kevin. All of that would be well and good if the Warren monologue had meant something more than it did.

Hey, AV Club, how come no comedy albums/concert list in the 2015 Best Of??

I could accept it as character growth if we actually saw the struggle for the growth. He could still end up as Jackson's ally if he decided there was something he hates more than "uppity black men", or if he offered a single reason why he wanted to be Sheriff in the first place - something positive he wants to move

I don't know what you mean.