much more cleverer than the po

I had big problems with Hateful Eight, and I keep shaking my head that nobody is pointing out some really obvious flaws in it. The strongest moment in the film, Jackson's monologue at the first act break, makes the second half a near non-sequitur. I kept waiting for Goggins' racist character to have a reaction - any

There's the wheel, pulley, lever, the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, the Great Wall of China, War and Peace, Van Gogh's Starry Night and now this. THIS IS THE MOST AWESOME THING EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For those who doubt, listen to side B of "My Brother Russel Whom I Slept With". One bit, twenty full minutes long, where he puts you the fuck inside that bedroom with them. Pryor couldn't have done better with scene setting, character, sound effects and payoff. It's a master class.

Whoof, I just read the L.A. Times article on this and it gave me chills up and down my spine. Deluded doesn't begin to cover it.

I'd settle for redistributing every last penny of his wealth among his victims.

The conflict I have is that I have ALL his standup albums on my Ipod. Fuck his mediocre sitcoms with a dildo; Cosby was one of the greatest standup comedians of all time. Like, Louis C.K. level great. I can't find it in me to delete all that classic work, but I also can't listen to them anymore without my gut going

Then remake Eternal Sunshine.

I'm perfectly aware of who was running in 2008, thanks. Palin is a lot closer to Trump (in SO many ways) than McCain, and I was referring to a shift away from trusting her type because she's able to call people scary names without noticeably drooling on herself. Like or hate Obama's politics, eloquence over

I'm not sure I'd take it quite that far. I am concerned about anyone like that getting this close to that much power. Fortunately, I do seem to see that the numbers of folks who think it's okay to put a buffoon in the White House has shrunk to a minority. Obama over Palin is really a very healthy choice, however you

As much as I despise demagogues, I really can't get too worked up about this. Every stand up and talk show host for months has been peddling the "orange hair" routine without drawing blood or even attempting to, really. Now, oh noes!, he's going to appear on a New-York-based, unfunny sketch show that will change the

Since this is an article about crap, I'll use this as a forum to complain.

How the fuck did I miss that?

Figured this would show up here (though no obit for L.A. Law's Richard Dysart who died six or eight or something month's ago. A more accomplished actor to be sure). I expected to see the headline, "Sex symbol of three decades, Al Molinaro Dies"

It just dawned on me that nobody besides (maybe) the people who actually make the show will ever be able to create lists of favorite Jane the Virgin episodes.

By his description, the term I would use is "supporting character".

This does not bode well…

Did you guys know that "cool" can mean something besides low in temperature?

Wouldn't the Reagan era be seen as that form of thinking reaching the top level of our society?

Hey, I'm not crazy, right? That in fact was the voice of Adam Arkin?

Logically, I suppose. Story-wise, she so daid!