much more cleverer than the po

Fargo just schooled True Detective something fierce! Goddamn that's good writing!

And sincere, and humanitarian and over in half the time of the other acts.

Competent lawmaker? This is the Republican Party we're talking about, right?

No, I never saw hook. This was definitely a legit version of Peter Pan. Or maybe it wasn't.

Does this version end with an adoption of some sort (by Venessa Redgrave?), or am I thinking of another version, or something unrelated altogether. I seem to remember the last scene being filled with maudlin tears and family togetherness.

Fuck you, Raising Gazorpazorp is funny as shit, if for nothing else than the family trying to eat dinner over the sound of Morty humping the sexbot. It's the episode that got my wife into the program (more the gender humor than the sexbot scene).

Few mourned James K. Polk's death, but from the sound of it, I'm betting more than a few Mexicans celebrated.

I thought it was fear of Alfred Hitchcock.

Truth is, Masters of Sex has never been a truly great show. It's always been uneven, with plenty of material that carried a unique kind of tension alongside characters and subplots that didn't work or were at worst kind of stupid. I'm not sure why they ever made the choice to augment real historical figures who had

I would quibble that it doesn't necessarily need to be a joke. The
one's above are jokes because they're talking about their "favorite"
example, which will inevitably be the funny ones, but characters can
unironically acknowledge a problem the writer is having just to get past
it. If they want to use a plot point


You want null and void. There's no mention at all of Japanese horror. WTF?


The only thing that really took me out of it, was "You have the single worst marriage I've ever witnessed! You should never ever EVER have gotten together " etc…. which was both too obvious a payoff for "They can cure any marriage" (except yours, hur hur) and strangely out of context for how little they had

Man, do I wish that Emo had more than one album. I can't listen to enough of that freak.

Not to mention that a woman who is a former prostitute and current front desk person for a cutting edge sex clinic A) doesn't know what a hyman is, B) doesn't know that her live-in lesbian lover has one intact and/or C) doesn't realize that her historically significant employer will notice it. I think she would have

Okay, I was hoping this would answer my question. Who was that in the last shot of the series getting into the truck? Was that the rock star? I was totally like, "I don't get it."

Oh, did I mention? You also have to make it look easy.

I thought the reception was more lukewarm than panned. I understand that fans of the show don't like the movie, though I'm hard-pressed to understand why. I think maybe they think the backstage action is cut too much, and they should have more wide shots to show the simultaneity of it all.

I played the Michael Caine role in this in a local production. It's one of the most difficult plays to stage that exists. Most of the actors have to play two roles and jump back and forth between those roles. They are staging the same scenes from the play within the play in all three acts, but there are different